
Do you title the songs you write before or after?

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Do you title the songs you write before or after?




  1. After. I've tried to title my songs before and found when I was writing the lyrics that I kept on trying to set the lyrics by the title. By that I mean, I named the song 'Lovesick' and I kept trying to write about some gooey mushy love stuff when I wanted the lyrics to be more...different.

    So you can write out the lyrics then decide a title that goes with the lyrics. Not the other way around.

  2. You should write the song first and then the title. I think the title just pops up

  3. It depends.

    If you already have an idea for most of the lyrics, you usually think of a title before you write down the song but after you've thought of a lot of it.

    If you have no idea for any of the lyrics, you can start with a title that sounds cool and can be an inspiration (no cliches!)

    If you already have an idea for all of the lyrics, you have usually had time to think of a title already.

    In cases where you write the title last, it might be a more vague idea, or you just haven't thought of a good one to go with your lyrics.

    Great question, BTW! I'm starring it!

  4. i dont write songs...

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