
Do you treat insects the way you would wish to be treated?

by Guest10680  |  earlier

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Wouldn't you hope that when giant aliens show up on Earth they treat us with random illogical kindness instead of crushing us because we're meaningless pests? Or would you understand?




  1. They're bugs. I treat them like I would want to be treated. Are you really in prison?

  2. "Take not the life you cannot give,

    All things have equal right to live."

    I try not to kill or harm anything. Insects have just as much right to live as we do, if not more - they just do what they have to in order to survive. They don't go around f**king up the planet and brutally killing and torturing each other and other species for no fathomable reason, unlike a certain bipedal ape I could mention.

  3. yah i treat them kindly..........i came across a small cricket the other day in my hotel room and caugt it with a towel and put it outside even though i couldve left it ere but i them because one day we may rely on them

    as we rely on trees for oxygen

    hope i helped

    good enough for best answer?

  4. Haha they would not mess with us.  I don't believe in ailians as in a common picture.  maby there is life out side ours but I don't know about the six eyes thing.

    As far as treating bugs I have been kind and demonic.

    I remember saving a wasp from a spider's web and he did not sting/bite me, but walked across my hand.

    other times I've poored water on ant hills and smashed misquotes.

  5. I'm all for treating animals nicely, but if they're trying to bite me or get into my food or something, yeah i'm gonna squish them. That's like asking, if a cougar attacked you would you stand there and let it maul you? Of course not! I would kill it if it could protect me. I won't go out of my way to kill anything, though. I guess when the giant bugs come, I'll have to suck up to them so I don't get flattened by a giant people-swatter.  

  6. I would never kill any creature needlessly.  But when I was painting the house yesterday, I killed many spiders and ants because the house would not look good with all those unpainted spots.  I did not get upset about that.  Every step you take kills bacteria and other creatures.  It is your willingness to avoid harming those creatures needlessly that is a measure of a person.

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