"China" is not the only country corporate America has "sold us out" to; but my question is directly aimed at "CHINA" for this question.
My question is..."Who is the enemy here; "CHINA" or coporate America ...and or could it be both of them together ...acting in concert?
"If", it is both of them ...could it be considered colusion, a conspiracy to over throw the United States government or anything akin to it by the two of them working together in secret "out in the open" & in front of our own eyes on a daily basis?
"TRUST", can either of them be trusted now(?) not to mention our own state & federal enforcement & compliance agencies!
As individual citizens are we left alone to try and figure this out for ourselves with no voice except pointless appeals to those in power who seem to have no more clue than us?
Are we under attack from with in (meaning us as a nation, through corporate America); and are we being attack from with out by consorting with the Likes of "CHINA"?