
Do you trust God? Do you trust him with your life?

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Do you trust and believe 100 percent fully that he is the real reason while you here?

How do you feel towards people who don't want to believe in God?

How do you feel towards Islam?

Do you feel God is telling you the truth everyday that you live?




  1. yes and yes

    I trust God  100%

    I  feel sorry for those who do not know  God

    and I believe islam is from satan  muslims are mislead

    I do  feel God  is guiding me   the way  he wants  me to go

  2. I believe the people in our lives make us who we are and make each day worth living. I'm not sure how much I believe in god anymore considering our world is going to **** but I do believe that if you know right from wrong and have good intensions than you are a good person. :) it's that plain and simple!

  3. too many questions

  4. That's a pretty weighted question that I don't think anyone can really answer.  I guess we'll all find out one day.  I'll do my best though...

    1) In a way I do, but it just may be optimistic thinking.  We live in dreary times.

    2) To each their own.  I think that anyone of faith should worry about their own and not the lack there of with others.

    3) It's like any other religion.

    4) As I grow older I feel like I am growing closer to some kind of spirituality.  I don't know if it's "God telling me the truth everyday" or not.

    I did my best to answer some fairly deep questions.  Don't think about these things to hard or you lose out on the moments you have to enjoy life. :)

  5. No, I don't believe he is the reason I am here.

    I think people who don't believe in God are logical people that generally have high moral standards because unlike Christians who can repent their sins we know we only have this one life to live so we have to live it honorably.

    Same way I feel about every other religion. Religion is fascinating just like all history.

    God has never told me anything, even when I was a believer.  

  6. Yes.

    I pray for those who do not believe, but I also respect their beliefs, and would not beat them over the head with teachings of Jesus (if they asked, i'd tell them anything they wish to know, that i can answer).

    I feel towards Islam and I do anyone who does not believe in His Son. Love them as my brothers and sisters, and pray for them.

    Is God telling the truth? Sure, do I perceive it all correctly? Probably not.

  7. Absolutely!!  (I trust Him with my Soul!!)  Jesus IS God too!  Islam is just another "Counterfeit Religion" and denies the FACT that 'they' are just following: Ishmael!!

  8. Yes.

  9. 1 - Yes

    2- Sympathy

    3- I don't


  10. Totally 100% believe in God!

  11. Yes, I trust God 100%.  It isn't always easy because my finite mind cannot begin to grasp the scope of His knowledge of all things, but in the end that is why I trust Him...because I am limited, He is not.

    People who don't want to believe in God...more than anything, it saddens me for THEM.  They have no idea Who they are rejecting and how it will effect them.  You see, when their time on this planet is over, if they have rejected God, He will sadly give them their eternal desire: to be without Him forever.  

    Very dark and sorrowful.

    Islam?  It is a sham, a false religion.  Very tragic.

    God's truth is found in His word, the Holy Bible.  Yes, He is truthful.  That's what unbelievers dislike most: TRUTH.

  12. I do trust god 100 percent, and I do believe he is the reason i am here.

    I feel that people who don't believe in god are still in the process of growing as a person; I find it intersting to hear their perspectives on life and death.

    I like certain aspects of Islam, like respecting the mother and father, sticking with the family, however, the insanity and hate for all other religions bugs me (same as evangelicals if they could get guns, they'd use them)

    I feel like god has been telling me the truth from day one, but whether or not I chose to hear him is all on me.  

  13. Yes, and I trust His mother also.

    "Trust in Mary and you will know what miracles are." -St. John Bosco

    God bless!


  14. 1) yes

    2) it's their choice

    3) radicals

    4) yes

  15. yes, yes, fools, foolish, and yes.

  16. yes.

    i feel sorry for ppl who dont believe.

    i dont even think about islam. everybody has their own views.


  17. I believe in gods power to turn your life around.

    his ways are sometimes strange. but he gets the job done.

    they do work ,as long as you have faith , and pray thanks for them.

    many of my prayers have been answered .and more will


    people of disbelief in god will have no place in heaven.


    Islam = know your enemies

    for all wars suck! many die...


    I wake up with a home , a job, a car , a wife, and my health .

    sometimes I even see a beautiful sunrise in the morning,

    and I thank him for the picture that he's giving to me ...

  18. I have no reason to trust "God" or "Allah" as they have not manifested themselves in any tangible ways.

  19. Yes. He owns me. He is absolutely a real person. And a truly loving One.

    Atheists? I respect them as persons. I respect how they feel and believe. If they do not believe as i do, they must have good reasons. As believers of God we must live in harmony with what we believe if we desire that they too believe in our God.

    Islam is "full subjection to God". There is good in every religion. We all want to know and make sure how God wants us to worship Him. We love Him so we want to please Him. We owe it to Him and to ourselves to examine our own religion to make sure evrything we believe and practice pleases God.

    We learn from God from books which we consider to be holy and inspired by God. Additionally, we learn from things He created. We therefore can verify the truth from what we see and experience daily.

    Yes, i believe God is telling me the truth all the time. I have examined His Word for many years and give much thought about it daily. I have found the truth. Nothing now can change it. No, not even death...

    Peace be with all.

  20. I don't believe in God.

    Most of my best friends don't believe in God so that should give you a clue.

    I know nothing about Islam.  What little I have heard makes it sound strange but I don't know enough to really form an opinion.

    God has never told me anything.  Even the people I know who do believe in God haven't heard from him.  At least they won't admit that he told them anything.

  21. Odin is my life, I trust him totally. he is the biggest and strongest of all the gods.

    He knocks all the others into the shade.

    Islam and Christianity are mere passing phases, Thor will wipe them from the face of the earth.

    My gods never tell the truth, they like to have a bit of fun.

    Those who don't believe in Odin are doomed, do you hear me?, doomed.

    On the other hand why don't you grow up, get an education and an open mind. Learn all about reality. Don't be the money grabbers!

  22. Yes i put my life in his hands evry day i believe that G O D stands for (Generator Opeator and Destroyer) He created my life he can take it back i repay him for my life by spreading the word that god is great i am part of a orginization called swadhyay (swadhyay org) it is a great website i dislike ppl who dont believe in god i am a firm believer, i personally dont like that islam people use god as a way to boost their courage for war, god is telling me the  truth and the way to go in evry day life god is the one supernatural force greater than human kind

  23. I trust God with my life.

    God is the only reason why I am here.

    I love people more and more when they don't want to believe in God.

    I love the people of Islam I have no faith in the religion of Islam nor their Allah.

    God tells me the truth of love everyday that i live.

  24. Yes I do.

    To each his own, God gave us free will.

    I don't know how I feel about Islam, never thought about it I guess.

    Yes I do.

  25. Yes, I TRUST Jehovah God 100%. I would not be able to go on day to day with him in my life. I feel very sad and pray that those who don't believe in our wonderful Grand Creator will come to see and feel him in their hearts. I don't feel anything towards Islams, people are people. I don't care where they come from. Jehovah loves them all, and wants them to serve him. And the words of Jehovah is what keeps me from taking drugs, drinking, killing, abusing, and keeps me a live.

    I send all my brothers and sisters much christian love. And I also hope all will open their eyes and find that Jehovah is our Grand Creator.  

  26. Who...You can trust only what you believe in.

  27. I trust God. I trust Him with my life.

    I wouldn't say that I believe 100% fully in Him because I've doubted before.

    Though I disagree with people who don't believe in God, I respect them and allow them to not believe.

    While I disagree with Islam, I believe it's the Muslim's right to be Muslim just as much as it's my right to be Christan.

    I believe God tells me the truth every day through the Bible.  

  28. 1. I don't understand your question... He isn't a person

    2. I don't care thats their belief, I can't change it.

    3. I don't care for it, people have there own assumptions on religious beliefs

    4.He doesn't tell me anything

    Is God really a "He"

    I don't understand :-/

  29. I'd hate to think all my actions were dictated by another. I would not trust him even if he was real. I am a atheist, I firmly belive there is no higher spirtiual power. however it doesnt make me judge people who do belive in god, so I dont have anything against Islam. If there was a god he would manipulate us for his own goals, so no I would not belive he was telling me the truth. God is a horrible concept in my eyes.

  30. There is no 'god.' I take full responsibility for my own life.

  31. I trust that there is no such thing as "god."

    Islam is the worst of the "Big Three" major denominations... but they all suck.

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