
Do you trust a married man who flirts innocently?

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I do. If a man VERY innocently flirts for months, just with one woman, would you trust him, especially if he hasn't made any moves? I say if a man so far has resisted temptation he always will avoid it.




  1. If he flirted with everybody then I would absolutely trust him, but with just one woman I'm not so sure.

  2. No way

  3. umm no and yea my dad is a flirt but he never cheated on my mom but then again guys are sexually beings  

  4. No I wouldn't. Usually they are up to stuff.

  5. No most certainly not. Never trust any man who flirts being married, single or religious they are male and usually only thinking of one thing

  6. Why do men need to flirt ? Its all sexual and you cant trust a man that does this.

    Sorry religion does not come into it, he is flirting isn't he ? Where is God now..

  7. No way I would trust him.

  8. Who cares if he is religious... what?... that makes him a nice person?? Are you kidding me??  People who think they are "good christians" do the most despicable acts to other humans... Your religious convictions give no indication on what type of a person you are.  

    Personally, I would not be impressed with any married man that flirts that much with another woman.... doesn't show much respect.

  9. No, for a married man to flirt is disrespectful to his wife.  

  10. Absolutely not!!

  11. i flirt innocently all the time but i wouldn't trust me.  You know nothing about men do you?  the flirting is testing the water and you just see him flirting in one place well guess what we flirt all over checking and testing each and every female knowing one will fall to our flirtation and that's all it takes.  No such thing as a Innocent flirt,  live and learn.


  13. We all flirt for different reasons.  

    The pure flirt without purpose of achieving an outcome is like a celebration of life.  It is someone acknowledging and responding naturally to the sexuality & femininity/masculinity in another.

    We can't all flirt with everyone innocently , of course!  It takes two pure hearted self-aware people to flirt innocently.  Flirt for the sake of flirting, to brighten up people's lives.  Flirt innocently with the wrong person it can easily be misunderstood.

    I hope this is the case with this man, that he hadn't found someone else he can flirt innocently with, rather than just a shy flirt who hadn't act on pushing for an outcome.

  14. If it is only with one women then there could be other motives, or he just likes the attention so if you are the wife and she is paying more flirtatios and kind attention to your man then you need to pay even more attention to your man.

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