
Do you trust customer reviews on products?

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Most people do read reviews before they buy something, but do you think the reviews are trustworthy? For example, aggregates reviews from all over the web, would you trust these reviews to know which vacuum cleaner or new fridge etc. to buy?




  1. I used to be a butcher and I had a lot of reviws on the meat I sold.But what I have find out is not all is true.But now days go no your friends.

  2. You can get a pretty good idea from the reviews on Amazon.  You just have to filter the blatant self-promotion and the anal types who freak when the delivery box is the wrong color.

  3. You have to be discrimintating and use several sources.  For instance, if I was buying a camcorder, I would check professional as well as user reviews (Amazon, Cnet, Consumer Reports, Target, etc).

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