
Do you trust electronic voting?

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Ohio Voting Machines Contained Programming Error That Dropped Votes

Diebold Admits Their Tabulator Software Doesn't Count Votes Correctly

UPDATED WITH VIDEO: CNN's Lou Dobbs Covers Stunning Admission..

Diebold has admitted that their tabulator software, known as GEMS, and used all across the country, in at least 34 states, does not count votes correctly.

In fact, it actually loses votes, by not counting them at all, yet gives the system administrator no indication that the votes were not counted. Instead, it tells them that all votes have been counted correctly.




  1. Die-democracy. Come on people. This administration has to be FORCED to spend any money (not going to self or crony's Co.) on basic soldier needs. They get bullets but short on the vests, would be spending for machines unless the advantage worth it? Greg Palast blows open the whole scum bag plots and 2 stolen elections in: Armed Mad House,

    By: Greg Palast..Mary.

  2. "Do you trust electronic voting?" is like asking "Do you trust cars?"  It depends on which system and how they are used.

    I am fortunate to live in a place which does not use Diebold machines or any other touch screen system.  The elections administrator hires Republicans, Democrats, and independents and makes sure that each step of the process is monitored and transparent.

    If I am a passenger in a Bentley with a professional driver, yes, I trust cars.  If I am in the back seat of a Yugo driven by a drunk teenager with no license, no I do not trust cars.

  3. I certainly do not trust any voting machine that has to be "programmed".  I want a system that is very difficult to manipulate, and that leaves a paper trail.

    The only advocates of electronic voting machines are people who wish to manipulate the vote.

  4. the only way to be sure to count votes correctly is a hand count.

    it could be done very simply. who cares if it would take a day or two. i think we could wait a month if we had to for such an impoirtant issue as who the next president is going to be.

  5. More than I trust paper voting. Those who criticize electronic voting should give some thought to how vulnerable paper voting is also.

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