
Do you trust in the wisdom of your feelings?

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Do you trust in the wisdom of your feelings?




  1. My feelings have no wisdom, they are feathers floating around me like and exploded pillow. My wisdom comes from someplace deeper than that and I use it to make decisions based on feelings sometimes, even though I shouldn't.

  2. No.

  3. Sense feelings I believe are the language of the beyond . I go with my feelings . So long as I'm not rilled  up into a heated emotional state .

  4. yes I do, most of the time it's right, but I'm stubborn sometimes, I knew my wisdom was correct but I didn't listen because it couldn't explain to me fast enough, sometimes I react before I think.

  5. I trust my instincts, that small quiet voice within.  My feelings, well that is altogether a different story, they often betray me.  Wisdom is learning to know the difference.


  6. I try to, and I think I usually do.  The older I get, the easier it is because I see that my feelings are almost always right.

  7. intuition is a major part of life. if you can become intune with your inner feelings then that is a wonderful things. if you ;earn to understand all your feelings then yous hould listen to them.impulses and intuition are different. I don't mean if your angry and you suddenly want to punch someone, then do it, no, that's not what I mean at all.

    also, have you ever had a dream where you did something, then that happened to you the next day. that is also an effect of intuition or inner voice.

    like when animals can sense danger. they are the same as you, just more intune

  8. My feelings often sway me in the wrong direction most of the time, but with time you begin to recognize your feelings better.  Being young is hard, so in time I think that my wisdom will grow.  As for now, I do not trust my feelings.

  9. Yes the older you get you more you trust your own feelings.

    When you are young you question everything, especially if your feelings are different to that of a friend or family member.

    As you age you have more life experience so you don't doubt yourself as much.  

  10. Only after I`ve fully examined all my options.

  11. NO!

    Not one bit.

    I know my feelings can betray me and keep me from the truth.

  12. Yes, I'm pretty sure that I do :)


  13. No...Feelings are often fleeting and are simply emotional responses,inextricably tied to and rooted in,either right or wrong thinking...I trust in the wisdom of unchangeable truth,as I have perceived it...Unchanging Truth transcends emotions and is the reservoir,that wisdom may be gleaned from....

  14. ((((((sigh)))))...Not completely yet.

    I believe that my fear of being wrong, or failing inhibits my trust.

    I was just reading something that spoke of Not being afraid to stumble...that stumbling can have some very beneficial lessons.

    Funny, that I read this question after reading that...or is it?


    Anywhoo, that's where Im at right now.


  15. "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,

    there is a field.

    I will meet you there..."


  16. No...feelings are fleeting, like the wind.

  17. Yes... as I get older I trust my feelings, instincts and such more and more.   They have lead me in wonderful, sensual paths....

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