
Do you trust mirrors or cameras more? for the way you look??

by Guest59463  |  earlier

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Do you trust mirrors or cameras more? for the way you look??

i look different in cameras than in mirrors. so which do u thibnk is more accurate?




  1. camaras

  2. i look totally different in mirrors, than on camera, but I think cameras can't be too accurate, because in different lighting you tend to look totally different. the mirror might be more accurate but, you might see yourself as better looking in the mirror.  

  3. I think a camera s more accurate because you see yourself how others see you.  A mirror leaves room for you to be biased.

  4. I definitely trust mirrors more. Pictures can be very deceiving... and they lock you in one specific pose or position... which isn't always flattering. I dislike photos of myself simply because I usually always have red-eyes in my pictures.... they are so bad, I can't even use programs to take it out... it makes it look too obvious and strange.

    Anyways... if you want to know what people *really* see when they see you... perhaps you should videotape yourself.... and watch it. That might give you a more accurate answer... although the camera does supposedly add 10 lbs. lol.... sheesh.

  5. mirror coz they're an exact image while a camera might cause lighting problems and stuff.

  6. I think I would trust a mirror more. It's in real-time, not just a still shot. I always think I look slightly different in pictures than I do when I look in the mirror.

  7. I trust mirrors more. If a camera has flash it makes people look real bad.

    For example, I have a really good friend, who is really pretty, but then she looks terrible in photos. Apart from these professional ones we all had taken.

    If it is just a home taken photo, then no not right. But if it is professional then it is okay.

  8. trust yourself on which you think is more accurite.

    and also yeah pictures make you look different

    try uploading just regular pictures that you took with friends or such

    that is how you look when your enjoying what your doing

    which is how you want people to see you as,

    but yes mirrors help you look good ;)

  9. NO..mirrors though  sometimes they make you look thinner than usual.

  10. I would trust a mirror more. I think it is much more likely to find defects in the lenses of a camera than in a flat mirror.

  11. The lens of a camera tend to distort a little. ;)

    Mas it's almost unperceptive.

    Anyway, I prefer mirrors.

  12. Mirrors!

    The camera doesn't love me - I'm unphotogenic.

  13. i trust pic more!!!!!answer mine plzz!!

  14. i actually trust mirrors cuz my friends look the same as they do in mirrors but in cameras u can look different from the lighting or something.

    i hope it helped!

  15. GTFO! is right. The human eye is more powerful than a camera lens. Also not everyone is photogenic, so for me the mirror is much kinder. I would go with mirrors, I look COMPLETELY different in photos.

  16. neither

  17. I trust mirrors, because for a camera the wrong lighting can make you look like the girl from the ring.

    P.S. The only time i haven't trusted mirrors was after the watched the move Mirrors. (Scary stuff)

  18. None, I Still Hate My Nose =[ They Dont Make My Nose Look Better.. =[

  19. Mirror! I hate how cameras make me look HUGE. My mirror is my best judge :]

  20. cameras..they tell the truth

  21. not completely.

    help:;... thanks have a good day!

  22. i actually think the mirror is the truth then the camera  

  23. I trust cameras more because I am able to see myself in different surroundings with different people.  There have been times I've seen myself withothers and have thought that I was larger than I realized and other times that I have realized I'm smaller than I thought.  It is always good to have a frame of reference.

  24. mirrors

  25. i don't trust both but i trust my self as a beautiful girl.

  26. I think I would choose the mirror. The human eye is able to see three dimensional aspects of a human face, whereas a camera/picture you only see the person as 2D and with less detail.

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