
Do you trust obama's judgement?

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he hints about McCains health and age and chooses a running mate about the same age with 2 strokes and 3 heart attacks and instead of picking hillary and getting her 18 million votes he picks the guy that got 9000 and comes from a state that has a total of 3 electoral votes.

no wonder McCain is winning.




  1. Of Course I do.  So does everyone else.  You said "no wonder McKane is winning" LOL!!! (hysterically)  LOL agan, and agan!!!

  2. I think Biden is a good choice.  Inside word is that Hillary did not really want to be "vetted" because questions would be raised concerning the murky sources of the finances of her husband's foundation.

  3. No, I don't.

  4. Obama shouldn't really be judging anyone, he can't even keep his agenda straight.

    His own VP thought he was unexperienced =)

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  5. Yes, I trust his judgment. Hillary should have never made it as if Rezko had anything to do with Obama. None of us know check into the  lives of the people we buy a house from. They sell it we buy it this whole story is bunch of BS. I thought the world of the Clintons but they went to far with the way they have treated him so he is not going to forgive her until she makes a statement that that was the only thing they could find on this guy & stretch to make him look bad. She will never do that. So now we will see if she gets the 11% of her voters to vote for him. His polices are close to hers yet these people say they are voting for McCain. So Hillary needs to get them to see this. If the Clinton's care more about their egos than this country we will find out this week...Hillary can still be (so can Bill) a supreme court judge. I would love to see her handle Universal Health Ins. & this might be what Obama has had in mind all along. I trust this man to make the right decisions because even though he is human I have watched him take the high road on everything & make great decisions. I love Joe Biden so I got over it not being Hillary real quick.

  6. h**l to the no.

  7. First of all you're a liar. McCain isn't winning Obama is. Polls show this Secondly I would much rather trust Obama judgment than some candidate who over the last eight years has spent his time kissing the butt of the worst President in American history.

  8. Biden is 65.  McCain is 72.

    Biden had an aneurysm, which was surgically repaired.  I am not aware of a heart attack or stroke.

    Obama was never guaranteed Clinton's electoral votes.  And the fact that Biden is from a small state like Delaware should not disqualify him.  If you disagree with Biden's positions, let's hear it.  But I see Biden as a straight shooting, hard-working, working-class guy.  I don't see that as being a bad thing.

  9. First of all, Obama is ahead,  Not picking Hillary is a example of sound judgment.  I don't care if she got a trillion votes.  Biden bring what's needed to the ticket,  Hillary brings Bill.

  10. no way.

  11. I think that Joe Biden complements Obama to a T.

  12. No surprise here, but your facts are wrong.  It was an aneurysm, not a stroke or heart attack, he's several years younger than McCain.

    But to answer your question, I think Biden will be a great man for the job-he has never forgotten his working class roots, with great foreign policy experience.

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