
Do you trust people?Do you think trust should be earned?

by  |  earlier

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From the point of view of

1. Love and Relationship

2. Business and Clients




  1. That depends on the situation.  When it comes to relationships, I will push the "I believe button" unless I hear a whole bunch on nonsense coming out of their mouth.  Then I would usually leave them alone; once you proven yourself uncreditable with me, your good as good because I will disregard everything you say.  

    And as far as letting someone I like or even care about have access to my bank account, my car, or anything else of major value, no way!  You need some money?  Ask.  You need to go somewhere and your car is broke, Ill go with you in my car.  I seen to many men and women have their life ruined simply be trusting someone with those two things.  Even if I'm married, you dont need to have my account information and I dont want yours either.  

    Business?  I trust no one but I can learn to still work well what them.  I am picky about what info I tell someone unless I have something to gain.  Its all a nice and polite game of chess.

  2. When it comes to trust, I feel that it is something that it is earned.  Trust is earned when you place faith in a person and that person fulfills the promise.  It allows you to take a step up and place more faith in them.  As that person fullfills that promise, you step up and again place more faith in them.  This ultimately continues until you find out where you can't trust them... it is there at that level that you know you can depend on them and where the relationship/partnership stays.  Ideally in love and friendships, we hope that we can attain a level where no matter what happens that person will be there for us.  I suppose though that there is a factor where I have to ask myself... how trustworthy and dependable am I?  Is my level of trustworthy and dependableness affecting my relationships/partnerships.  If a person cannot trust you and place faith in you... it isn't likely that you are going to be able obtain the same from them.  Therefore, I would have to say that first and formost, you must have character integrity where you are dependable, loyal, and trustworthy.  I believe this a requisite for being able to adequately trust others and gauge their true ability to be dependable.

  3. Trust has to be earned. I'm from New York. I don't Know where your from but around here everyone acts like there hard and I trust none of them.

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