
Do you trust public establishments?

by Guest58886  |  earlier

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Do you trust that the chefs dont drop your food and plate it again, have a clean sanitary working area, etc. in restaurants? How about hotels, do they clean the sheets, what about the bedspread, the drinking glasses in the room were they actually washed or new? You can find horror story after horror story about this, wondering how many actually trust in the places they go?




  1. I am always afraid to send bad food back.  I did it once and could not eat it when it came back because I was sure that the chef spit on my food.

  2. I used to work in very expensive private club, believe me if they drop $ 30 steak on the floor they will pick it up, been there see it done that, cruel world

  3. Don't actually trust them, but sometimes you're just at their mercy.  In the city I live in, they have a rating and it is posted before you even enter the restaurant.  If it's anything less than an A  I stay away.

  4. uckk not hotels.

    I'm OK with restaurants, but not hotels. i dont even like using hotel bathrooms (same with any other public bathroom).

    oh, but if you're a germaphobe like me and you hate eating with silverware at restaurants i have an easy way to get rid of SOME of the germs.

    all you have to do is pour a little bit of the juice from the lemon you receive with water on the silverware. the strong acidic lemon juice will sterilize the silverware, and make it almost safe to eat with (lol).

    hope i helped :)

  5. Taste is all that matters.  If it tastes good who cares if it has been on the floor.  People now a days are too afraid of what they can't see.

  6. I have worked in restaurants for about 10 years now.  Multiple restaurants of varying levels of food service.  I can assure you that anything in a commercial kitchen is going to be far less disgusting than some of the stuff people do in their houses.  

    I mostly trust restaurants.  I know that here in the United States, there are laws, regulations and agencies that enforce guidelines for all food service establishments.  

    I can tell you that restaurant employees try quite hard to ensure they do not cross-contaminate or make guests ill, as not only will this taint the restaurant reputation, but if a restaurant is knowingly presenting harmful food, it can not only be shut down and fined, but this opens an avenue to a huge lawsuit.  

    All restaurants must create and demonstrate something called "HACCP," or Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, which is a series of steps a restaurant or food service establishment must have in place to reduce or eliminate hazards - everything from storage, refusing bad orders, to surfaces, cleaning, ensuring equipment is working, temperatures, preventing cross contamination and hand sinks.  

    There are "horror story after horror story," but these are isolate incidences.  These situations, if reported properly or to the correct authority, if the company itself does not resolve it, are handled appropriately.  

    As far as Hotels - I trust Hotels.  Hotels are much different than Motels, Inns and hostels.  Hotels have on-site laundry and procedures they have to follow.   I typically smell the bed covers to see if it smells crisp and clean.  If not, room service will come change the bed for me.  

    Also, hotels now have pre-sealed cups.  They are usually dixie cups or other disposable plastic cups.  I would not imagine that it would be much easier on housekeeping to take the time to wash, dry and put the cup back, than it is to toss it and just put out another disposable cup.  They are not losing a huge profit with these disposable cups.  

    I would like to also point out that most popular name hotels and restaurants are chains and franchises that not only have to comply with local and national laws and regulations, but they must also comply with the parent company's brand standards, and the parent company typically has an inspector who tours all facilities and passes or fails them - and working for a franchise of a chain, I can tell you inspectors are vigilant.  They help make the parent company money by keeping these units open and making them buy stuff from the parent company.

    I can honestly tell you that I do not go to a hotel and start l*****g surfaces or rubbing my extremities on surfaces to expose myself to anything that might be dangerous.  

    The most I suspect I could get from bed sheets, especially DRY bed sheets is lice.  

    I work in restaurants, and I have no problem talking to employees or management if I feel something is not right.  I also know that cooking a product will also kill anything mild.  I know there is quite a bit a food service establishment has to comply with before anyone will issue operational permits to begin with.  

    So, I trust most restaurants and hotels.  I can tell you 96% of cooks are not ***** that will do something gross or subject customers to anything they would not eat.  Even if you send your food back, even if it is because you're an *** who can't tell over easy eggs from over hard, and even if you think medium rare was medium well.   The jerky cook will just take it out on your server if they are busy, not your food. :P

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