
Do you trust the mainstream media?

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I think they are biased in favor of government officials (O'Reilly, Geraldo, Hannity) for the most part (Kieth Olberman and John Stossel are two exceptions that comes to mind). I also think they give to much airplay to celebrities' private lives and other rather trivial issues. What say you?




  1. 95% of the media is controlled by only 5 corporations. It is a corporate media that is more aligned with the right than the left. So it appears more biased toward the right, when they are just biased toward profits. The media knows Fox is biased, but there is an audience for liberal haters, so we get this "entertainment" marketed as news.

    there are no liberals on tv despite what foxnews says.

    need proof that the media isnt liberal...Iraq isnt covered anymore

  2. No I sure don't.  They are all liberal (except Fox)...and they can twist things backwards and forwards.  They stopped covering Iraq as things over there were improving.  They don't talk about that.

  3. No, its 90% liberal!

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