
Do you trust women when they say they are equal - where is the track record?

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- The great scientists and inventors are all men. Einstein, Newton, Ford, Franklin et al.

- The great artists: Salvador Dali, Da Vinci, Monet, Picasso, Van Gogh, all men.

- The best Athletes: Michael Jordan, Gretzky, Marino, Federer, all men.

- The great leaders, all men.

- The most successful musicians: U2, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Beatles (groups of men). Who do we remember more from the 60’s, Janis Joplin or Jimi Hendrix?

- The greatest movie directors, men.

- The best actors, men.

- Who built the cities we live in? Men.

- Who discovered new land by exploring the seas? Men.

- The best fashion designers: g*y men

- Who do people like more, g*y men or g*y women? g*y men by a long shot.

- Who is physically stronger? Men.

- Who is easier to get along with? Men.

- The richest MAN in the world: Bill Gates

You can whine all you want that women haven’t been given a fair chance & the same education so that is why they haven’t been as impressive. That is BS though, why did you let men get the better of you if you’re so strong? If you had a great idea why not act on it? Because you’re weak and you know it.




  1. I guess, for me, it was never a competition.  I recognize and am grateful for all that men have contributed to our world and society - in truth, they built all that we enjoy today.  But to suggest that the two genders of humans should not enjoy equality as a result is just sad - and wrong.  

    I don't want to get into a pissing match about who has done more, contributed more - who is stronger or smarter....I just hope that I live long enough to see a time when we can celebrate our differences, appreciate the contributions of the opposite s*x and live together in an equal society - where neither gets special consideration or treatment.

  2. I think it should be "who are..." if your answer is going to be plural.

    "Who are physically stronger? Men"


    "Who is physically stronger? The man"


    And, I think your reasoning is silly. By the way, see my answer to your other question about Bill Gates no longer being the richest man in the world... Warren Buffet is now the richest.

    I suggested correcting your arguments before reposting the question.

  3. You are wildly off base. 1) Women invented agriculture, and probably invented weaving and sewing and pottery as well. 2) There have been many outstanding female mathematicians throughout history. Madame Curie gave her life in studying radium. As for political leaders, there is Cleopatra, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen Elisabeth, Catherine the Great, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, Susan B. Anthony, and many more.

    As for artists, women were poorly represented in the arts before the modern era, but now we have Georgia O'Keefe, Judy Chicago, Anne Comstock, Harriet Hosmer,Dorothea Lange, Louise Nevelson, and so on. Just because these women aren't as famous as most of the celebrated male artists does not mean that their art is inferior. Go to some museums.

    Women are very well represented in music. We have Clara Schumann,

    many famous opera divas, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Barbara Streisand, Dionne Warwick, Dusty Springfield, Mama Cass, Janis Joplin, Carol King, Stevie Nicks, Deborah Harry, Madonna, and so on.   For poets we have Anne Bradstreet, Phyllis Wheatley, Christina Rosetti, Amy Lowell, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Elinor Wylie, Elizabeth Bishop, Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Erica Jong, Mary Oliver, Maya Angelou, and so on. The list of female novelists is too long to mention.

    Of course the best actors are men. There are equally great actresses: Katharine Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Dench, Angela Lansbury, Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock, Mira Sirvino, and so on. Your last few points are meaningless. Men have greater upper body strength, but that hasn't stopped thousands and thousands of women from getting black belts in karate, going into boxing, gymnastics, swimming, and every other Olympic sport. As for being easier to get along with, that's just a personal opinion.

    Read the "Webster's Dictionary of American Women".

  4. In large generality what you say is true.  The proportional superiority of male achievement, genius, prowess, ability over females is overwhelming.  But there are a few things you're not looking at.  It is also true that the vast majority of idiots, criminals, retards and no-gooders are male.  Women are more normative.  Also to reflect on is that few enough of either s*x really are geniuses.  And be it noted that, few though they be, there is such a thing as female genius, and where it occurs it seems to have a more intense luster than male genius.  Sappho, for example, and Corinna, among Greek poets were unequalled.  And I'd say the same about our own Emily Dickinson--by far the greatest poet America has ever produced, or is likely to.  Likewise, before you dismiss female painters you'd better give some consideration to Rosalba Carriera, Berthe Morissot, and Mary Cassatt: top-notch geniuses all.

  5. I agree to some of those im a guy but i hate g*y men eww g*y women much better and I only know 1 of the famous athletes because sports don't mean much atleast professional sports.I get along with guys and gals the same.Why is Bill Gates the richest eh?As to actors it depends how they act and a female actor is actress =P

    In history women have can be  portrayed as not important but  they are no men without women thousands of years women have raised a family while the men has got the food ect. it has changed in the past 50 or so years women are being more independent rasing a family and making the money.

    All I have to say is anyone can do what you want as long as your not hurting anything whats the problem?

  6. Some good points an some a little out there but still decent.

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