
Do you trust your TV box?

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Do you trust your TV box?




  1. My tv box is not a sentient being.  It is a machine.  I neither trust it nor mistrust it.

    However, I do not trust every person who is on tv to be giving accurate information.

    I use television for providing entertainment much more than for providing accurate information.  TV news is way too sensationalistic and biased to trust it these days.

  2. Sure.

    I trust it to consistently collect dust.

    I have faith that it will turn on when I push the button, and turn off when I push the button.

    I trust that it'll display whatever is sent to it.

    ...and fortunately the *only* thing that gets sent to it is whatever movie I've put in the DVD player.  

  3. No,  Not at all....that is why I don't have one.

  4. No way.  That is why I cut it up and tossed in in the garbage after I removed the TV.

  5. I trust my TV to display the content that I select.  What I don't trust is specific media to provide unbiased reporting.  I DO trust my common sense to help me understand what is one sided and what is not.

  6. Do I trust it? Trust it to do what? Not fall over? not to go out with a bang?


    If you mean do I trust the media and what is shown as a representation of the truth on the television. Then generally speaking no, I don't. There are many sides to every story and the news just shows what fits in with (insert your country name here) political agenda.  

  7. Not even remotely. The same corporations that took over my country in the 1980's feed the lies into the box to be spread across the land.

    Television distracts, misinforms, deprograms, uneducates, desensitizes

    and turns people into mindless drones.

    I do not bother with television.

    The funny thing is how many right wingers think it is full of left wing lies. When it is owned and operated by the corporate right wing.

  8. If you mean do I trust what I see on it...I trust it to be entertaining.  I do not trust anything that I see on it as being fact without checking it out.

    If you are referring to hidden cameras, recording or transmitting devices (I have heard about these), the answer is that the technology exists, but it is not being used, and not being installed in your television sets, etc.  Considering that my brother is a technological genius, I trust him on this, and he laughs quite heartily at the paranoia of it all.

  9. Nope. One day it'll learn to think for itself and attack me...

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