
Do you trust your drinking water?

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Please elaborate a little. ;)




  1. I do. I just don't trust water-bottled water that i can buy from stores.

  2. Yes, I do...

    We've got a badass filtering system set up.

    The water goes through 4 filters before we drink it, the smallest being 5 microns.


  3. We have a Brita Water Filter attached to our tap, so that the water is filtered before we drink it.  

  4. We have awesome drinking water, it comes from an aquifer and is some of the best tasting water.

  5. well in florida al of our water has to come through limestone so it is completely clean from the tap but heres a non-rhyming slogan "when in doubt, boil it"

  6. I agree with casapulla2001. =)

  7. I use a precipitate filter for the house supply and then ozonate all of the drinking water. When I can, I use a distiller. In other locations with excessive mineral content I have used reverse osmosis also, but in my present location I don't need it.

  8. Yes; I live in Minnesota...where I live they release a water test report every year from various neighborhoods in the city, so it makes you feel a little safer when you can truly SEE the results for yourself. Have you had a chance to see water test reports in your area?

  9. Yes they send us a quarterly report with the analysis conducted by an independent lab  paid for by the tax payers of NC, and not employed by the state ... totally independent and it is a different lab each quarter

    So I really do. Always taste very clean and refreshing  

  10. no tastes like metal and chemicals. i drink deer park from my water cooler  

  11. nyc -- the best, ever

  12. h**l No.

    Boil your Water and Then Drink!!!

  13. yes i also have a brita filter and it works very well and tastes great!

  14. My drinking water is purified with the best system.

    Tap water is minimally treated. It could be treated more but since most of it is not consumed internally then it would be a waste to treat it more. It would also make water much more expensive than it is. So I do not trust tap water.

    Filters like Pur and Britta are the next step up. They improve the taste and odor but that is about it. They don't do much in the way of any health related contaminates which may be in tap water. I don't trust filters either.

    Purification is much better. It cleans water more. There are different degrees to purifiers though. Like I said I use the best one available. Only a distillery can get water cleaner than mine. It has even been used in Extreme Makeover Home Edition because it is the best. Plus by year 2 my system is actually cheaper per gallon than Purs and Brittas are anyhow.

    Don't waste time boiling water unless it gets infected with something and your local government tells you too. The steam given off while boiling is pure water. The regular contaminates remain behind in the water. Now it is in higher concentration as some water left as steam. Besides a good quality purifier like mine will eliminate those organisms anyhow. Plus boiling takes up extra utlities too. What a waste.

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