
Do you trust your government?

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Do you trust your government?




  1. In a word... No.

  2. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. At one point I used to until I found out what they had did to me and my children and are lying to coverup their butts. What they did was illegal and unethical. So everyone be on your peas and q's before you let anyone try to declare you crazy. Trust me you know what you are talking about.

  4. They can be pretty shady at times

  5. yes to the SNP. no to Labour

  6. I don't think anyone ever completely trusts their countries government, but I trust mine more than most other countries governments.

  7. fu.c.k no.

  8. I trust the system of government specified by the U.S. Constitution, but I do NOT trust 98% of the rascals sitting in office, who evidently either don't understand what it says, or have zero respect for its principles.

  9. No way Man!!!!!!!!!!

  10. No, they lie all the time.

    Dont keep promises.




    LiE LiE LiE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. yes i live in Canada, the best country in the world!!

  12. to a certain point, yes, but the trust is limited

  13. Not a word......

  14. Take a penny,nickle.dine,and a quarter,line them all in a roll and you will see about trusting our government.All coins heads have there backs to you exceapt for the grandfather showed me this,said thats how you tell the government turns there back on you,because we are like the penny,and the one man on the penny would not have turned his back on you.Poor,middle class,black,white,if your like the penny your government will always turn there back on you.

  15. No. I have no real issues with the patriot act or what this document is being called now. But do poeple really believe that the goverment has just started listening to phone calls and other forms of communication?

    Again no I do not trust my goverment.

  16. are you serious? look at iraq and you tell me.

  17. No, no a million times no.

    But there are some decent people, yet to be corrupted, or hopefully never to be.

  18. I trust our form of government but not a lot of the a**holes in charge.

  19. I haven't trusted the Government since i was drafted into the Army and sent to Viet Nam.

  20. h**l Mick fickey double duty sodapop firecracker sloppy joe happy meal NO

  21. "When we lie we go to jail,

    When the government lie we go to war"

    -Jesse Ventura

    What do you mean trust the government only promised us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    The government should stay out of people's business and I think the government could focus on getting more done.

    I'm tiered of the two party dictatorship's always complaning about one another.

    Yes I am American and live in America and I do trust the government I mean what should i be worrying about?

    Like what shouldn't I trust the government about,  I mean everyone knows they lie so that's not really anything new.

    You lie to so why is it such a big deal when the government does?

  22. NO!!!

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