
Do you try to enforce the speed limit?

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I know some folks who camp out in the left lane, going the speed limit b/c they think it is their moral obligation or something to keep people from speeding. Personally, if someone runs up on me in the left lane, I'm happy to move out of their way and let THEM get the speeding ticket from the cop over the hill. What do you think?




  1. The only time a California driver EVER moves over to the right lane is when they are less than 50 yards from their exit... And then, you'd better not get in their way!

    I HATE driving in California!

  2. This is my personal pet peeve in the world of driving...OK is usually ME in the left lane begging for a ticket, but I am in your camp on moving over...Kind of do as you would like done to you.

    Have a good day.

  3. If they're in the left lane and not passing, THEY are breaking the law even if they are doing the speed limit.

    If the person in front of you is doing the speed limit and is still passing, tough. You'll have to wait for your chance. Back the heck off and let them do their thing. Cos you won't make them go faster.

    I even break the speed limit by a decent amount and have to suffer jerks riding my **** cos they want to go much faster. Dude, I can't suddenly not be in this lane, I am passing, I am between the cars on my right, a barrier or grass median on my left, and you are up my ****. I won't go any faster than the speed I am already doing, so just take your foot off the gas, give me my 2 seconds stopping distance, and be patient. You won't get there any quicker if you are riding my tail. In fact youll be able to accelerate into the stopping distance gap once you see I am done passing and indicating a lane change.

  4. i feel that the left lane is for passing and you should only be there when passing. its the law here in the US but it isn't known or enforced. when people try to slow others down either camp in that lane or drive in it slowly its creates problems for the whole flow of traffic and its putting there car and life in the way of danger

  5. i speed.

  6. its not a good idea to force someone to go the speed limit. youll only cause road rage an enrage that person. i get enraged all the time.

  7. Mostly auto drivers and tricycle riders used to exhibit such psychotic behaviour.But I earnestly appeal to you to desist from overtaking desire while riding,as it is the predominant reason for accidents.I have seen my close relatives suffering

    severe post operative complications due to accidents.So give due regard to traffic rules.

  8. Obey the speed limit ~ but it best left up to the police to enforce it.

  9. No! I ride the middle or right lanes, only using the left to pass and then getting the heck out of the way. Those people hanging in the left "enforcing" the speed limit are breaking the law AND causing a traffic hazard.

  10. I do the same as you, I let them by so I can see where the cops are hiding

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