
Do you try to explain geographically where in Thailand or do you sometimes just say Phuket?

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Easy question.




  1. Try the bananas.

  2. Phuket, that's a hard one!

  3. mm  mister natural born killers...   you must be a traveler  i wish i be there to in puckett! a wonderfull place if you ask me (io bet you seen the movie the beach) a good friend of mine goes every year for 3 months to thailand.. my teacher backed out and left off to go to thailand  waht is it witnh bloody thailand?  theres so much c**p there but  aparantly also so much good things  you explane to me.. especially the moon party's  ive heart?wonder what you do for a living  either you have to much money  (rich parents) but than you wouldn't ask this question.. or you in health care  on the doll?  that makes you a lazy ****!  or  i don't know just guessing ha ha  what is it?  do you do anything about charity?  you should! you smart ****... ha ha

  4. Disagree. Hard question.

  5. I always start explaining it to everybody, but they seem to ignore me so I say Phuket!

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