
Do you try to hide your tears when you cry?

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Do you try to hide your tears when you cry?




  1. yes

  2. depending on whom i'm with

  3. NEVER.. I have earned the right to bear my tears,I gave birth to my sons and cried with joy. My sons moved out, I cried tears of loss. My grandchildren were born joy tears again. I have been hurt by cruel words, tears of pain. The death of my mother great tears of loss, so you see you were given feeling and tears are a part of that. If someone says I NEVER CRY then their heart is cold.

  4. Sometimes.

    depends who im with or where.

    but in shcool, and i have a lot of drama, ill cry infront of anyone i dont care who it is.

  5. Yes, I do unless someone else is crying.

  6. all the time. i bottle up my feelings. don't remember the last time i cried

  7. yes. pretty much always because i usually dont even intend to cry it just happens..

  8. i bash my head against a wall until i bleed out of my eyes, then it looks awesome and more epic

  9. depends hu im around if im with someo ne i love thn no but if im in a room full of people o course n u get that awful hurting in your throat  

  10. I haven't cried for a while. Tjhe little squirts of silliness during a mive or a terrible news story...yes, I have to admit I hide those. In cases of total grief and sadness...I've learned through experience that there's no no point trying to stifle those tears.

  11. Yeah it makes me feel weak...Iunno...And I hate when people start staring

    'liek OMG UR CRYINNG"

  12. Sometimes. It depends on why I'm crying, where I am, and who I'm with. Crying is good for so I don't try to hold them in that much.

  13. yep pretty much  

  14. only when im wit ppl

  15. No I would rather tell my problem to friends then hid something that will eat me up inside.

  16. Depends who im with :)

  17. yes, but it never ends up working.. I always start the waterworks!!

  18. Yes and no, depends on the people around me

    could u help me with this:D;...

  19. Yes I lay my head down and cover my face with my arms

  20. i try but unfortunately i tend to look so pathetic people notice all the more. lol!

  21. yes and no

    depends on the crowd

    real men cry

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