
Do you try to keep up with other people with possesions ect ect?

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basically do you try to keep up with the joneses?

if someone gets something better than you do you feel the urge to get something better?

why do some people feel this way.


thaanks :)

(ive noticed this alot)




  1. I know a lot of one-uppers, and a few are in my family.  we do fairly well, and we don't brag or boast...but when certain family members notice something new, they have to go out and get something new.

    it's really annoying.  some folks just don't want to be outdone.  ya know?

  2. Not really I have plenty of my own.

  3. no thats not me...this 2nd husband treats me better than the first and he makes a little less money....I need happiness and love...he treats me like gold..

  4. Nope, I only keep up with my own.

    Sure, whenever someone posses something nice, I admire it, and complement them on it if I know them.

    However, the company I keep is based on who they are as people, and what I have in common with them.

  5. Never.  I think its great when someone gets something new, but I appreciate their enjoyment, pride, success, whatever without feeling envious of them or needing to prove I can get something just as new or better.

    I don't think more highly of people I know when they buy something, I like to appreciate them for who they are and what they think.

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