
Do you turn left or right when boarding a plane?

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Do you turn left or right when boarding a plane?




  1. depends on which end i get on, the last time was left

  2. Depends on how you board the plane and your seat location.

  3. I go straight to the cockpit.

  4. Depends on which end of the plane you board. I've been on loads of flights and it's always been right. Kinda weird.

  5. Why is this important?

  6. It depends which end and which side you get on.

  7. for sum reason ive always gotten right but i dont want dat to change bcuz i kinda got used to sitting on the right side of the plane

  8. Right and then left or right.  ; )

  9. depends which side you board on!

  10. unless you are flying the plane it is usually right.  There are some larger planes where there are first class and even some coach seats to the left.

  11. right everytime i have flown but it depends on which side or end of the plane you board from

  12. every time ive boarded a plane i have had to turn right

  13. Left turn for me.

  14. left turn to first class.  ..... only way to fly.

  15. I have ALWAYS boarded a plane on the left hand side and, if entering through the front door turned right.  If boarding through the rear door, I've then had to turn left.

    The left hand side of the aircraft is the side to your left, when sitting down and facing towards the front of the plane.

    The only time I have ever seen anyone enter via the right hand side, front door, is when disabled persons are raised from the specially adapted airport vehicles.

  16. Right ALWAYS

  17. Depends on the plane & where your sitting.

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