
Do you understand how current legislation in Congress will cost lives?

by  |  earlier

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Now, before you go labeling me, I'm chastising both sides of the aisle, as an INDEPENDENT. (not to mention that come next Sep/Nov, it'll be my vote you're after)

Legislation being pushed in Congress has historical precendence in costing the lives of tens of thousands: civilian and military. In the interest of proving they are "doing something," these politicians are going to get people killed. Regardless of your party, take a look at the historical results and demand that your party set aside partisan politics and vote for the national interests, national security and protection of civilians and troops.




  1. Makes me ashamed to be from Ohio, but at the same time happy I can help vote this jagoff out of office. If this passes, then the comparison of Iraq to Vietnam will be an accurate one. No army can fight a war with one hand tied behind it's back. Combat decisions need to be left up to the leaders who have actually SEEN the conflict zone. It amazes me that someone can be so pompous as to presume to tell someone how to do their job from thousands of miles away. Imagine the outcry if Marines and soldiers started telling politicians how to run the country? At least they know first hand what the cost is. But unless they are dying, or some jacka$$ is committing a crime, they get little if any press. Gotta love the media, right? Excuse me, I have a letter to write.

  2. What are talking about?  Citing the legislation would help.

  3. just FYI, we moderate independents get called liberals on here

    ... I've stopped caring ... some cons have serious issues with not taking sides are just wanting to understand and generate change

    the left wing nut jobs seem to be less apt to name call

    I agree that if things don't change there will be more senseless death for monetary gain, and with this administration (or one like it) less and less access will be granted to ask "why?"

  4. You forgot to tell us which legislation. Do that and we can render an answer.

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