
Do you understand how fragile our food production is?

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Reliant on gasoline prices, subject to all the effects of chaotic weather, subject to contamination in dozens of different ways, subject to the usual greed and shortsightedness of our merchants and politicians.

It's funny how crazy uptight everyone is about the price of gasoline, and apparently utterly indifferent to the price of the fuel that gives us life. And how unaware of how these two things are related.

Get ready for a crazy ride this summer my loves.




  1. Yes I do.

  2. yeah were so worried bout gas and stuff we can live with out that stuff we can walk and do manual labor that will be good for our country. we need to focus on our food shorteges becasue people go crazy without food i know i would lol

  3. Yes, you are right.  People really don't understand how fuel prices could affect our lifestyle.  Most people do not think of the intricate transportation system that brings our food to the local grocery store.  Pay attention to the truckers in Spain.   They are protesting fuel prices but they are the ones that deliver the food.  How many cities are self-sufficient in providing the food their citizens need?  How many days food supply are on the store shelve?  If people really become concerned, panic buying will be next which will shorten the shelve life of food in stores.

    It will be a crazy summer.

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