
Do you understand the difference between " Race" " Ethnicity" and " Cultural Identity" ?

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Some people still are confused about Nationality and Ethnicity, Culture and Corporate Media, Language and Culture, Culture and Race.




  1. Makes me wonder...

    If I was black and had a child with a white woman, and our daughter moved to Afghanistan and married an Afghan and had a son, who stayed there and grew to be a man with a family of his own, what would their "race, ethnicity and cultural identity" be on application for a visa to emigrate to Britain?

    My point is, the meaning and currency of the terms seems to have moreso a socio-political validity than a scientific (anthropological?) one. So if the terms have meaning for "you" then your perspective / issues / motivations seem likely to be socio-political. And that requires personal introspection to resolve.

    I think the Hippies were on to something with their "all we need is love" philosophy, that the world discounted as "naive".

  2. I think I do-

      Race and ethnicity, while resultant of phenotypic expressions, ultimately remain socially constructed indefinite indicators of cultural identity. "Black" or "White," though they are termed racial groups, really are only cultural identities one's pigment may predispose one to adopt. Granted, ethnography is a valid field of cultural anthropology, but to extend too assuredly the observations thereof to the field of physical anthropology results in a rightly abandoned hierarchical view of cultures.

    I think most modern anthropologists, when speaking of "race" and "ethnicity," treat these terms in the same manner, respectively, as they would treat "gender" and "s*x" (in my experience, these pairs are never regarded as synonyms). "Race" is predominately recognized as a socially learned cultural identity, as is "gender" (albeit physical predispositions exist), whereas "ethnicity" and "s*x" tend to refer to the phenotype of an individual.

  3. The liberal media and the leftist politically correct purposefully obfuscate and confuse the nomenclature of human classifications to foster chaos and discontent.

    All people are 'homo sapiens': homo sapiens are divided into the three main races: Mongoloid (Asian); Caucasoid (European); and ******* (African), and from these three main racial types come the various and myriad Ethnic groups.

    Nationality is a political designation, not a biological or genetic designation.

    Culture and civilization are two seperate concepts and do not describe racial characteristics.

    Ethnicity is simply the collection of individuals who share a common racial gene pool and have formed a common culture.  Such as Irish or Italian or Polish, etc.

    Color coding human beings, such as white, yellow, brown, or black, is racist and should be avoided.

  4. Race is a physical difference in genetics. Ethnicity is a cultural difference. Cultural identity is based on your own understanding as a part of a particular culture or society.

  5. Yes. I have a fairly accurate understanding. I would agree that some people could easily confuse the terms.

  6. Ethnicity is the combination of race and culture. Race consists of

    innate traits, whereas culture consists of customs, which are

    mostly learned.

  7. race and ethnicity you dont have controll over; but cultural identity you do. but then again you can bubble in any race group you like

    imean who is gonna say your not black.

  8. Cultural Identity could be put next to Cultural Affiliation and it would mean about the same thing. People grow up and choose their Cultural Identity, usually.

    Ethnicity is mostly cultural heritage, but geography plays into it.

    Race is scientifically invalid and a largely phony concept, but it consists mainly of morphological traits which get defined broadly geographically. This makes sense, as these traits are supposed to be the result of long term natural selection in a particular environment or region. One big problem with race is that it is defined by morphological characteristics, which do exist to varying degrees, but it gets ascribed to it all sorts of cultural and behavioral elements (which rightly belong more in the realm of Ethinicity and Cultural Identity).

  9. No.

  10. My Race is Human

    My Ethnicity is Mestizo ( Cosmic fusion )

    My Nationality is Mexican

    My Citizenship is American

    My Culture is Latin (Cultura-Latina)

    My language is Spanish, so I am (Hispanic) first and Anglo-second.

    Viva La Raza!

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