
Do you understand why Christianity was created?

by Guest57322  |  earlier

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  1. It was originally the religion of the poor and criminal minded. Founded in Rome, Christians were despised by the upstanding Pagan citizens of the Roman empire.

  2. Yes, Christianity is the completion of the story, and the full revelation of God's mercy and grace for us.

    Now you answer one for me Lee, if Christianity makes me a better person, why are you against it?  Why take that away from me?

  3. It was formed from other religions.

    I read about it from several different places, but it was a while ago...I don't exactly remember. It had a lot to do with pagans, I think?

    I don't know, I'll have to look it up.

  4. The purpose of Christianity is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ for everyone to be saved.

  5.   Yes I do understand why Christianity was created.

    Christianity, that is following Christ and all His teachings, was created by God for the salvation of all who accept His offer of salvation and life in eternity with Him.

    Thanks for the opportunity to again point that out to you. Oh and for the 2 points too!

  6. You tell me why. Then I will tell you if you are wrong or not.

  7. If you believe in Christianity then you believe in Christ, God etc. It wasn't just created...moreso you were created by it!

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