
Do you understand your woman's subtle signals

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After 22 years of marriage I'm still completely hopeless at understanding those subtle signals that women give!

Let me give you an example.... when feeling amorous and we're lying in bed... I''ll gently place my hand on a bare patch of flesh and softly stroke it.... my wife will then respond with one of two reactions...

a) exclaim: "I've got to go and make the kid's breakfast" and then she leaps out of bed.... in our relationship that means "maybe after breakfast if you catch me in the shower"

b) rolls onto her stomach and places her pillow over her head... for us, I take that to be a "yes"...

So what are some of the ways you tell your lover that you are interested and how does your lover respond for "yes"




  1. You have GOT to tell her how important it is that she give it up, before you decide it is too late!!!

    I experienced several years of nada before finally divorcing and decided that I would never tolerate a cold fish again.  Ever.  When I need it, I take it.  When I want it, I take it.  I'm getting plenty now and he ~ you know, the new guy ~ is digging the aggression.  ;)

    Fix your marriage.  Talk to her and revive that ferosh passion.  She will love it if you are consistent in your journey and bring her back to the dark side of reow!

    BTW ~ I know you have been working out a lot in recent months so maybe she is self conscious about what you might think of her naked.  Just a thought.  I would feel a bit self conscious about it if I were not in shape and my partner were.

    All my best to you (((icy))).

    ETA: Sorry.  Just noticed this was men's health.

  2. Personally I have never been married.  I have dated a little.  Sometimes it is the non- verbal signals they give during the day that can tell you what is going to happen in the night.  Most of the time they are usually signals that you are not doing something you are supposed too.  Maybe making the kids breakfast, might lead to more lovin.  It seems logical.  

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