
Do you use Astrology as an excuse for your bad habits? ?

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even though you could have easily change your bad habits right of the bat. And what your signs?

lol...yeah...I think I do sometimes...because when I feel really lazy sometimes...I say to myself I'm 'supposed' to be this way cause I'm a Taurus...and I should have put more effort and try to change this bad habit of mine...And I know I can be more compassionate to others but my fixed signs qualities only makes me think about myself....

so yeah,..those are some of my

Leo Rising

Taurus Sun

Cancer Moon

Aquarius Mars




  1. No, I don't.

    I don't even think I could name any of my bad habits lol.

    Except for being addicted to Yahoo! Answers. :P

  2. noooooooooooooo

  3. Lol, Arch, yes I do this! Though, I know it's not right to do, and I often have a little talk with myself later about making excuses for myself. Whenever I argue with someone to the point of obsession, I say to them "Well...You know, I'm a Libra, and I don't like extremist views" or when I'm acting lazy and don't want to do work, I say "My stupid Libra Mars" and then I just continue on with my bad habits. I think that are signs our not limitations, just guidelines on where our troubles may lie...We can escape them if we want. I think from now on I'm going to look at the qualities of other signs that I like, and decide to be that way. Like I'll pretend that I have a Capricorn Mars and say "I'm supposed to work steadily towards my goals, I guess I'll go do that now!"

    Haha....We'll always find ways to make excuses....If we didn't know astrology, we'd say something else. I guess the only one we're really hurting is ourselves.

    Libra Sun/Rising/Mercury/Mars

    Cancer Moon

    *Wishes that she had Saturn conjunct Mars*

    By the way, I like your answer to my world ruling question. Yay for tyranny! : )

  4. haha sometimes i do that with my girlfriend!

    If she looks at me for being immature Ill be like "blame the Aries in me" lol  

    She does it too. Shes a Virgo so shes always worrying. She'll be like I cant help it Im a Virgo!

    Lol good stuff

  5. Yes, all the time!

    Spontaneous temper tantrums and impulsive behavior - Aries Sun

    Need to arrange and organize things exactly how I want and overanalyze stuff - Capricorn Moon

    Brooding artist-type mood swings - Scorpio Rising

  6. astrology is  saats based art/science use it with a pinch of salt

  7. Lol yes! But I'm not bad. I'm just an Aries. lol

    Virgo Rising

    Aries Sun

    Aries Moon

    Aquarius Mars (like you)

  8. No, that's dumb. There are other influences in your bad habits but they shouldn't be blamed on the signs.

  9. hah yes! im not moody or hypersensitive.. im just an cancer

    and i also blame the fact that all i really want to do is eat, sleep and cuddle on my sign being a homebody :)

    aqua rising

    cancer sun

    scorp moon

    leo venus/mars

  10. Yes, sometimes I excuse my behavior thru my chart.

    Like, 'I act this way because I have this and that'. But I'm still glad for the other times that I'm not.

  11. No I don't use it as an excuse, but I acknowledge that a lot of my faults come from my chart.

    I'm justified in all my opinions - Libra Sun

    I'm very stubborn - 6 fixed planets -  Moon and Jupiter in Taurus,   Mercury and Neptune in Scorpio,  Saturn in Aquarius, and Mars in Leo.

    I wish I had more awareness of my unbendable way of thinking  because I could have avoided a lot of problems in the past that still haunt me.

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