
Do you use Flash cards to help your children to Read ?

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  1. well it does help. flash cards are used to help kids with smaller words like cat, pool and table then give the kid a really easy book to flash cards do help kids read just small words!

  2. I remember flash cards

    they were used for reading


    identifying animals

    and other things.

    They are not used much

    now because the kids use computers

  3. Sort of . . . I made "word family" cards.

    For the most part, depending on the age and learning style of the child, the successful use of flashcards can range from effective to downright torture.  (They would be most effective with a visual learner.)

    It can't hurt to try a few with some index cards.  You can play games with them as well so it isn't just drill work - go fish, memory, etc.

    We used Click and Read with my older daughter and are getting ready to start it with my 4 year old.  We liked it.

    Hooked on Phonics went too fast and the music was far too distracting.

  4. yes, i used flash cards to help my daughter learn her vocabulary words.  good studying technique.

  5. Yes, my son helped me to make flashcards on index cards. That way he could decide if B was for ball or balloon or anything else that he can recognize and relate to the letter. We did colors and numbers too. It is a real privilege for us to do flash cards too, He thinks it is a reward for cleaning his room and stuff. I'd highly recommend it. You don't even have to spend the money on fancy ones.

  6. No. We spoke with them as adults and never used baby

    talk. Also, I read to them at night and they read to me

    as well.

    My children were raised speaking two languages, so

    I think this helps with reading skills.

    PS: They are all great students!

  7. I use Flash Cards for every subject to study for tests etc. It's a very useful way of learning. Sorry- I don't have children.

  8. Hello Jo,

    What are flash cards. Could you please tell me more about them?



  9. I did 50 years ago.

  10. no

  11. Yes- starting at around 2 1/2- 3 years of age, I started showing my little ones flash cards of the alphabet, both upper and lower case letters. We only did this for about 2 minutes at a time, and not every day. Then, once they master the letters, I made flash cards with all the basic kindergarten and 1st grade sight words on them. Then I used basic readers that had "high frequency" sight words in them and this really built their self-esteem and confidence in reading. So far it has worked for my 2 oldest- they are both reading well above the required level for their grade! My youngest has just started with the alphabet.

  12. no just reading helps the most i think

  13. No, I'm blessed I never had to

    I read to my kids several times a day when they we're litttle and they didn't seem to struggle when it came to kindergarten

    and doing it on their own.

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