
Do you use a bottle sterilizer and warmer?

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  1. i use both.. different brands though.. i use the dd.browns microwave sterilizer. and i'm not sure what brand our steamer is.. it was cheap though.. these are things i would recommend to anyone they have made life alot easier and faster..  

  2. Yes i do ...

  3. Nope, I wash the bottles in hot water, and my baby drinks either cold or room temperature bottles.

  4. nope I agree with elephant21. Waste of money. Marketing ploy. Why when warm water to heat the bottle and hot boiling water to sterilize?? Plus those things are EXPENSIVE. that is ridiculous to pay for something that you can do on your own. Total marketing ploy and a way to put your money in someone elses pocket.


  5. both are a waste of money and not needed; just got through returning the bottle warmer this week, LOL

    u don't need to and shouldn't sterilize your bottles after every use, just follow the manufacturer's instructions as to how often to boil nipples and such; gimmicks to get your money....we are all fine and we didn't get all ours sterilized after every feed :)

  6. I didn't, waste of money. Warm bottles in warm water in a pot over the stove. Sterilize in boiling water in a pot over the stove. Old fashioned, works well!

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