
Do you use a planner for school?

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If so, what grade are you in/going in? I've used one since 4th grade and think they're really useful. I'm going into 9th.




  1. in my schools, they have given them out for free since third grade. i think you have to use it in my schools. and they are really helpful. im going to keep getting one until 12 grade. hmm.. what am i going to do in collage without one?

  2. I use one all the time. It helps keep up with dates and homework.

  3. yes i have used one for years, and it became my best friend once i started high school, most people use them at my school!

  4. no,im a junior and i write stuff on my hand or in a piece of paper that i use for the whole week

    commend you on your planner, i wouldnt be able to do that to save my life

  5. Our school system insists on using a daily agenda.  It ilike a planner and very effective.  Could not live without it.

  6. im in 8th grade this year 7th and 8th graders need to buy them at the school store and im keep forgetting so im useing papper right now till i get one


  7. In my school we have to use them and they really help.  I am in seventh grade.

  8. I'm a senior in college, but I've used one since 7th grade and continue to.  Especially now with this workload, I would die without it!

  9. i have used one 3-12

  10. hek no i do it all in my head

  11. yeah, a planner is my life saver.

    i usually have so much homework and random stuff to remember that i could never recall it all without it being written down..

  12. My 16 yr. old grand daughter uses one for the high school classes and one for her college classes.  She just swears by them.... She's  entering 10th grade of high school, but she's also taking some college courses too.

  13. as a parent of a 6th grader we have used one since 2nd grade. I find they help with homework that is due and to remind us of school events.

  14. I use it to record my homework.

  15. i didn't use one in my freshman year, but im planning on getting one this year (sophmore) to help me keep up with everything

  16. I use a planner and it helps  

  17. You can if you want i think a lot of people do. I'm in college now and i still use one from time to time it helps a lot.

  18. hi I'm going to the 7th grade and i've been using a planner since i was in the 4th too but at my skool they call it an agenda. it's where we right down all our homeowrk and stuff like that

  19. im in 9th and my school gives us one so yes i do

  20. yeah the school give them us, well in high school that was, so about year 7 that's age 11, They are good for keep track of homework, but I don't tend to do homework so I don't really use them haha!

  21. i'm going into 10th......and i really don't use one........

    i mean....most of the time i can remember things........

    i only write things down like when tests are and stuff.......

    but, it's always helpful to have it handy

  22. my school has supposedly ordered them, but i've never got one yet...but i've used them before and i agree they're very useful for keeping up with homework assignments and stuff

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