
Do you use any punctuation when saying "The word ____?"?

by  |  earlier

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This werd is misspelled.

If I were to point out to the writer of the above sentence that they made a mistake, how would I punctuate it? Would any of the sentences below work? If not, what would work? If so, am I doing anything wrong with the punctuation in any of these examples?


It's spelled "word," not "werd."

You shouldn't spell it "werd."

It's spelled "word."


Thanks in advance for any help. That question has been bugging me for a while now, and I haven't been able to find the answer anywhere.




  1. Any of them work perfectly fine.

    If you're editing a paper that was handwritten though, most people either circle the misspelled wErd, write sp over it, or mark it out with the correct spelling above.


  2. i think its this one     It's spelled "word."

  3. All of your examples are grammatically correct, including the placement of all punctuation marks.

  4. yea "word"  yo

  5. i thought u been trynna spell weird idk

  6. Either the first example or the last example are correct.

  7. um... word... yeah that'll do it...

  8. When you are referencing any word, including the word "word," you put quotations around just the word being referenced.  As far as the sentences you gave, they are all punctuated properly.  Periods, comas and other such punctuation are placed inside the quotations, which can make things confusing.

  9. you lost me :) ?

  10. I wurd luv to help you if I werd able but I'm fellin a bit weird today and My Word your question is spelled (I mean Spelt) badly....

  11. Your first example: It's spelled 'word' not 'werd', is the correct one - but just use the single apostrophe, not the double, because the double apostrophe is used for quotes and technically, this is not a quote.  

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