
Do you use commas when you write digits after the decimal point?

by  |  earlier

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So, for example the number 123,456.7654321

Would you write

one hundred twenty-three thousand, four hundred fifty-six and seven million six hundred fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one ten-millionths (without commas after the decimal point)


one hundred twenty-three thousand, four hundred fifty-six and seven million, six hundred fifty-four thousand, three hundred twenty-one ten-millionths (with commas after the decimal point)

Also, are the digits in front of the decimal point correctly written? I think they are.




  1. N0p3.

  2. Your second way of doing it (with commas) is correct. Without the commas, it gets grammatically jumbled and hard to read and comprehend. Keep the commas!

  3. in front they are. not sure about after the point though. maybe you should stick writing in number form rather than words??  

  4. No, you don't use commas after the decimal point, yes your integer is correctly written.

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