
Do you use local transport when abroad?

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Do you use local transport when abroad?




  1. yes i hire a car

  2. Sometimes.

  3. It's normally the cheapest and most interesting way of getting around.

    In Kenya we used the local bus to gto about 40 km. It was a tenth of the price of a taxi. The bus must have been over 50 years old and there were all sorts of people on it along with thier goats, chickens and farm produce. There was even a guy with 10 bags of cement.

    We got talking to quite a few people, it was great.

  4. No that's what avis and enterprise are for!

  5. Of course, it's much cheaper than taxis, and trying to drive a car in an unfamiliar city is a nightmare, let alone trying to find a parking space near where you want to be.

    In most European countries public transport is easy to use, and metros generally use international pictograms so you can find your way around easily. When I go to Prague, the only Czech I really need to know is "jizdenka sitovou sedm denni, prosim" ("a 7-day network ticket, please"), hand over a 500-koruny note (about £12.50) and take my change with the ticket. German and Austrian cities also have great public transport, with the same ticket being used on U-bahn (underground), S-bahn (suburban trains), trams and buses.

  6. That all depends on where I am. In the Bahamas I always use the local jitney bus.

  7. i use a hire car its so much easier

  8. Yes, but always with someone else.

    If I were in France though where I have a good understanding of the language, I would probably use the public transport on my own.

  9. local? do you mean public? if so then yes, of couse whyever not. it's cheap and being among the locals is interesting too. if taxis are really cheap though i might use them a fair amount

  10. no , get a hire car, much more freedom

  11. In mainland Europe, I always use buses, the train or the Metro.

    In Ireland, I rent a car.

  12. Depends where, there are some cities I would never take buses or trains in, but there are others which public transportation is the best way to get ard.

    Places I have been where public transportation is superb:

    - London

    - Sydney

    - Melbourne

    - Brisbane

    - Singapore

    - Bangkok

    - Barcelona

    - Tokyo

    - Osaka

    - Istanbul

    - Hong Kong

    - Taiwan

  13. yes coz its good to mix with the locals

  14. I have used their buses, but not if I'm alone or not sure exactly where I'm going.

  15. I've been in Scotland for 6 months living abroad and used the buses to get around. To me it seems like reliable transport because trying to find parking in busy areas in town is horrible! LOL

  16. Absolutely.  I don't know what it is with AmeriKans who have to take TAXI's everywhere instead of using readily available and CHEAP transportation.  

    In countries OTHER than AmeriKa... they have EXCELLENT public transporation systems and it just takes a bit of understanding how public transportation works to take advantage of it.  They can even BUY the route maps for the public transportation at the Tobacco shops in the AIRPORTS when they arrive.

    Something else I don't understand is, why AmeriKans RENT CARS.... Having a car to worry about is NOT an ASSET it's a LIABILITY... for one thing... traffic in most cities is TERRIBLE and the public transport is quicker... but finding a PARKING PLACE can take HOURS.

    I didn't own a car for 10 YEARS when I first moved to Europe and didn't miss it.  

    Of course... you have to be able to speak a language other than AMERIKAN to take full advantage of the public transportation systems.

  17. Ofcourse I do, this is a good way to talk to people and get to know the country, towns and surroundings.  When you do not speak the language it makes it a little more difficult.  Also, if you are the shy type, it's difficult to open your mouth to strangers.  My advise is to get out of your cacoon and talk to strangers, you'd be surprised what wealth of information you get.

  18. Yes!

    cheap, quick, easy

    don't have to pay for taxi's or find anywhere to park.

    Perfect :)

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