
Do you use plastic, paper, or those whole foods bags?

by  |  earlier

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paper: kills oxygen producing trees, should be used sparingly

plastic: The petroleum from 15 plastic bags could drive a car one mile

whole foods bags: made of recycled materials, can be used over and over again.




  1. hello, i work a a grocery store named A&P Superfoodmart in CT.  many customers that come to the store usually perfer there groceries in plastic bags and I double them if there heavy.  I do give a discount to anybody that brings there own bags 5 cents a bag.  Every little bit helps, save on your groceries and help save the enviorment. We also sell Save the enviorment bags (plastic, heavy duty, easy to wash) for $1 a piece and you can fit alot of groceries in them.

    P.S. check your local grocery store to see if they give discounts.  I hope this was helpfull.

  2. Paper rots away though and plastic stays around forever. Answer is paper

  3. I use reusable recycled bags as much as possible.Maybe I should recycle the plastic ones for my car!!

  4. Giant, Trader Joe's, Grauls and others all have reusable bags.  Or, use your own tote bags.  The reusables are very sturdy and large.  And I love telling the "bagger" that i brought my own.  Tip:  After you bring the bags in the house and unload them, I hang them on the door k**b so I remeber to take them back out to the car the next time I go.

  5. I like plastic, sometimes doubled.  Then I burn them in my burn barrel.

  6. This is a very simplified description. Paper bags are weaker, and yes they kill trees, but trees can be replanted and paper bags can be double bagged for extra strength. Paper bags are also recyclable or biodegradeble as long as they don't have a wax coating.

    Plastic bags on the other hand, are cheaper to produce and stronger, but no recyclable because they are sucha  low grade plastic. Reusable to some extent, and some biodegradeble ones appearing on the market nowadays. These might also be beneficial in that they can be produced through recycled materials.

    Whole food bags: I would say that a negative of these is that they are just a marketing ploy by a lot of companies, but that's not to say they can't be meritorious. Remember however, that people are still using plastic bags in place of these, and I know a lot of people who don't take these with them every where they go. And the process to creatre them does leave some ecological imprint, make no mistake.

    That's being said, I would say Plastic and whole food bags.

  7. I use my own cloth bags that I bring to the store with me.

    Every little bit helps...

  8. I use all three types, depending on for what,  and where I am shopping. We in the US could take a hint from the Brits. Most shoppers in the grocery carried their own fabric or leather shopping bag designed just for that purpose. (At least they did when I lived there in 1983.)

  9. maybe well lets see i have about 4 of those whole food recycled bag..that i can think of .... yah.. they would be great IF they reminded you to take them AND your 4 kids into the store at the SAME TIME !

    i usually go plastic. i am evil sorry. they go in to the recycle when i am done with them or used for garbage bags or to sort recycling in to. i am happy to say all paper gets shredded and added to my compost. worms love it!... but you know i agree the recycled bags are so a gimmick.if they really wanted to encourage their use they would be free!.. we as a family of 6 try to recycle as much as possible, compost etc. but having to buy bags to put groceries in just isn't feasible when you have a 250-300$ order! those bags just don't hold enough!

  10. Great....another tree hugger!

  11. I am now the proud owner of hundreds of those earth bags they sell at the grocer's. Now, if only I could remember to actually bring them to the store with me....................and they need to be a tad bit bigger.

  12. i don't use bags. i put the things in my cart and roll my cart over to my car and put them in from there.

  13. I use canvas bags.They are strong and carry many more #'s than either paper or plastic, (so I need fewer)and I have had them for years. To me it is fewer trips back to the car to get my groceries.

    Paper is also recycled.  So is plastic. The idea that whole food bags....whatever they are .... are better is just a gimmick

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