
Do you use swear words in front of your kids?

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Do they pick them up. I hated swear words when I was a kid. Are kids less sensitive to them now.Some kids in my child's Kindergarten swear and the teacher doesn't do anything about it.




  1. I admit my husband and I do slip, we are not perfect in that department lol.  However its not words that are on the horrid list.  The C word is not aloud to be said in our house by no one, along with b*****d, r****d, or anything like that.  Normally we say s*it on slip ups.  But my daughter is only 8 months old and will be taught not to say bad words like mommy and daddy.

  2. Sometimes it'll slip out, but we've gotten into the habit of saying, Fudge, heck etc...all those fun little fill in words. Our younger ones don't repeat anything at home, but only God knows what they say on the playground with their friends.  

  3. sometimes i slip and do but i try not too... its hard cuz all my life ive been taught they are just words and not to be taken seriously so ive used them pretty freely... however i dont want anyone thinking my child of rude.. so far he hasnt repeated anything yet

  4. no

  5. I really try to refrain from swearing but the occasional d**n't will come out.

  6. There young and still don't know what wrong and whats righ.

    Alot of parents use it when there mad at there kids.Kids than pick it up from them and start using it.Ask them why ,they'll simply say "oh i heard my mom say it".Than teachers want to call there parents and find out making it seem like something big.Kids still don't know there mad they just say it cause they hear other people say it and think its okay for them to.

    Teachers can't do anything really there simply kids still learning.

  7. Never

  8. Sometimes, and no, my kids have never repeated them....

  9. I have never said a swear word in front of my kids......until today! I said a really, really bad word (I am stressed to my excuse) and I thought my daughter was going to faint! Her jaw dropped to the floor. I heard her call her dad in her room....worried about me and she asked me several times today if I was OK. I finally had to tell her NO.....I am not OK!

    Seriously, I do not swear nor did my parents. None of my children would have dared utter a swear word in front of me.

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