
Do you use the 'block this user' feature? Do you need a reason or do you just block for no reason?

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I know it sounds silly, but I am curious. Have you ever been blocked? How did you know WHY you were blocked?

And I want the answer from parents, that's why I asked it here.




  1. I've been blocked by one person.  I'm pretty sure it's because I answered a question and the person didn't agree with my answer.  It was in regards to co-sleeping, I think.  I don't know for a fact though.  I don't really care either, lol

    I blocked one person but that's because they were stalking me and leaving ridiculous answers to every question I posted.  I don't even remember their name now, lol

  2. I have only blocked one person. He was a troll who added me as a friend and then started answering the same questions that I was. He was a real idiot. I think his name was HobamaX (or something like that).

    I have been blocked on a few times. Sometimes I'll click on a question, find out I'm blocked and be compeltely floored wondering what I said to p**s them off. Othertimes I know I probably came down on them on something like CIO. In those cases my opinion is, "fair enough." I probably wouldn't want me to answer their question either if I was in their shoes.  

  3. I don't think that I have ever been blocked.  I have blocked 2 people I think over the time that I have been on yahoo answers, which is a long time.  The only reason I blocked them is because they both sent me VERY nasty emails, almost threatening ones

  4. I have blocked once, for an obscene member who no doubt had their account deleted anyways. Besides that, no. I will only block a member if they are continually obscene. I know of one member who has blocked me, but not sure of any others. I could really care less why I was blocked, as it is not important to me, but it no doubt had to do with my opinions. If a person decides to block me because they disagree with my answers, they are free to do so.

  5. I have never blocked anyone, and I don't think I have been blocked.

  6. I have never blocked a person because I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, which I believe this forum to be. Some see a difference of opinion as being judgmental to another persons parenting style.???

    I am a blocked user by one person that I know of. Apparently I strongly disagreed with her opinion and she did not like my response.

  7. I've been blocked by a couple users because they don't want me to see their questions or because they have some personal grudge they are holding against me.  It's their choice.  I think it's a little immature.

    I only block those who are obvious trolls.  I don't block anyone without a cause.  I choose not to block others who want to be rude or downright heartless to me just because I can move past it.

    Johnny's Mommy:  I can relate about the person leaving ridiculous comments on all your questions and answers.  It's happened to me too.

  8. I've never blocked anyone. I've never had a reason to. And up until 2 minutes ago I thought I've never been blocked but I've just tried to read a question that was starred by one of my contacts and it said "you can not view the question at this time". Haha!! Oh well.

  9. I have only blocked one person. The reason I did was she answered a lot of my question saying that I am a fake.  

  10. Yep, I've been blocked by one person that I know of because she didn't agree with my honest answers.  But I use my other account to look at her questions and "agree" with my answer. hehehaha. I've blocked a few when their answer is nothing but to merely receive points, like idk, or you're weird lady.  I don't need those type of people bothering with reading my question.  Or I recently blocked someone because again she didn't agree with my answer and then posted additional info that used fowl language.  Yeah, then I successfully got her question deleted for that.  

  11. i was blocked by someone because she did not like  how i answered her question..She was blethering on about how a child she was babysitting was playing up, i told her get off the PC and actually look after the child...She went loopy haha..........I knew i was blocked because sudenly i could no longer view the question............

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