
Do you use the train to get to work?

by  |  earlier

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do you read a book ..listen to your mp3, stare out the window, travel alone, with freinds, get to know the familiar faces how do you pass the time on the way or do you park on the freeway




  1. no.

  2. reading a book or vegging out is what I do

  3. i just keep on lookin to the streets n the ppl r passing by n to b honest i like it its like i travel to another planet

  4. No i don't use train....

    I try to sleep on the way if i am travelling.

  5. i walk to work, but if i had to commute i would take a train or bus or anything but drive myself.

  6. I read or sleep

  7. I don't use the train and i don't go to work...but if i did i would probably travel alone..hearing my music on my mp3,and thinking about lot's of stuff that make me sad...then i will get of the pretend that i am ok!!!

  8. well first i don't use the train cuz we don't have trains where i live, when i'm on transport in the car or on the bus, i usually listen to my mp3 and stare out of the window cuz i can't always stare at people faces

  9. yes of course

  10. all of them above but also grope the women as they pass by

  11. Im 200 miles from the nearest commuter line (METRA)

    To quote a friend of mine:

    "The commute to work maybe part of the daily grind, but I get 2 train rides a day out of it!"

  12. Don't have trains where I come from.

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