
Do you use your rear mirror while driving?

by  |  earlier

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i have been noticing this a lot lately people just don't pay attention ive seen 6 crashes this year and all because they were not looking




  1. I use it enough.

  2. Yes always......

  3. I glance in my rear view mirror about every 6 to 8 seconds in heavy traffic, and about every 10 - 12 seconds in less dense traffic.

    I also check my rear view mirror whenever I apply my brake.

    Checking the rear view mirror allows a driver to be pro-active  therefore preventing potentially dangerous situations from developing.

    For example, there may be an emergency vehicle approaching. Someone behind you may be tailgating.

    You want to check that there is no traffic directly behind you before you signal, and shoulder check and make a lane change.

    Your mirrors allow you to look ahead most of the time, and make brief "glances" rather than turning your head all the time to check what's behind you. They are a convenience and put there for safety's sake.

    Good for you if you get into the habit of using those mirrors!

  4. The side mirrors are a lot more useful for me.  I use the rear view mirror occasionally.  I never look over my shoulder to change lanes or back up, I always use the mirrors for those things.

  5. I use all my mirrors while can you see if someone's not using their rearview mirror??  You'd have to be in the same car.

  6. Yes. You need to be aware of every thing going around you.

  7. I use all of my mirrors all of the time. Entering a freeway, while on the freeway, just driving down the road, while I'm turning, backing up. I look at those things alot. I think I look at it the most when I am sitting at a stoplight or waiting for traffic to clear so I can turn cause I am so afraid of someone rear ending me! One of the things I think have made accidents more common is the use of cell phones, talking or texting. I am guilty of being on the phone when driving, but I refuse to text or read texts, I'm not that coordinated!

  8. Yes I do

  9. Yes I use my rear view mirror. Especially if I'm entering a highway or parallel parking.

  10. I use my rear view and side mirrors. I also turn my head while keeping the steering wheel straight. I know how to yield and merge onto the highway and at rotaries (roundabouts).

    It seems that some people are just too lazy to do anything but stare straight.

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