
Do you use your turn signals? And if not, why?

by  |  earlier

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This is for the drivers out on the highway that I see everyday!

It almost seems that the other drivers think they have THE OPTION, of whether or not they use turn signals! Ithink people forget that its a law in ALL STATES! What is you opinion??




  1. Everytime I use them, its the law, and it displays good driving skills.

  2. Yes, I always use mine and hate it when other people don't use theirs.  It's like they think they have the right of way to enter into your lane and do not need to signal.  Of course if they do signal, they do have the right of way.

  3. I use my signal and get irritated when I see idiots changing lanes or directions and not signaling. It's also extremely annoying when they drive with high beams on in town or can't dim them on the interstate when coming upon someone

  4. I use mine when changing lanes are making a turn off a busy main road. i usually don't in neighborhoods and when traffic it light, but I live in a pretty large city, so that's not often. also people where i am can be rude and if you turn you blinker on (to change lanes) they actually speed up not to let you over. so sometimes its a lose/lose situation

    i do get irrated when people cut in front of me w/no signal, or those who turn slowly w/o turning on the signal.

    but worst of all people who leave their singal on forever.....

  5. i do forget from time to time

  6. Several comments:

    Try hard to remember mine all the time.

    Don't if there is no one around.

    Have never seen a cop use his.


  7. Yes, I always use my turn signals.  Even if it is 3AM and I don't see any other cars in sight.  You have them for a reason and should use them -- safety!

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