
Do you usually ask for a doggy bag for the food you can't finish at the restaurant?

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Are you embarrassing yourself if you do so?




  1. yes why would you waist food

  2. Absolutely. Studies have proven that eating small amounts over the course of the day instead of three large meals is much better for you. As for me, having had bypass surgery that was the way I learned to eat; small amounts and take the rest home.

  3. Noticed a recent trend in restaurants not to do doggy bag out of fear of civil suit after taken home food eaten days later causes food poisoning because of the customers poor food handling.

  4. yes!! if i dont finish it, im not about to waist my money.

  5. if it's good I do.  I paid for it and restaurant portions are more that what recommended portions are so a lot of the time I can only eat half of what I order.  I paid for it so why not take it home for later?!

  6. Yes I take it home. You paid for it so why should you be embarrassed to take it home?

  7. I firmly believe in taking to-go boxes!  If I paid for it, it is mine to take home... I'm from Alabama- we believe in leftovers.  Why would that embarass you, it's your food!

  8. Yes I do ask & no why should I feel embarrassed? It cost me money & if I have enjoyed it but cannot finish it whatsn wrong with taking it back home to eat at aq 2nd sitting?

  9. yes

  10. NO!  If I do take it,either I eat it for lunch the next day OR my dog gets it. I don't take it just to take it...

  11. I live in Buenos Aires, where there is a lot of poverty (and stray animals), so I always take the remainder of my food with me and give it to a hungry child or animal.

  12. if it was good food I bring leftovers home for sure.

    I bought it....

    I'ts more embarrassing for me to let them throw away good food

  13. Yes I do ask for container to take remaining food home.  No I am in no way embarrasing myself by doing so. I paid for it. so therefore, I can do as I wish. Plus most restuarant portions are much larger than a serving should be anyway and therefore I almost always have leftovers.


  15. Did you pay for it?? Then ALL of it belongs to you. Wrap it up, and take it home. Leftovers are the best. Do not be embarrassed about asking for a box to take the leftovers home. Why do you think restaurants have those boxes. They are for people just like you, who can't eat the large portions they serve today :)

  16. i generally wouldnt it looks a bit weird because nobody really does that!! you can if you want but id be embarassed!

  17. A lot of people do this, including myself.

    Why waste food you paid for? Are you seriously worried that anyone is going to care about what you do with YOUR food?

    If so, that's a shame.

  18. Yes I do and then I take it home and put in the fridge where it usually remains long enough for me to no longer recognize it as food. Gross, I know. But true. I never eat what I take home.

  19. definately yes- I have no problem asking for a doggy bag. Why waste food I paid for. Great for left-overs.

  20. Usually not. ( Unless my kids are starving at  home and I shopped and ate out) THEN AND ONLY THEN WHICH IS LIKE PRACTICALLY NEVER AND THATS A LONG LONG TIME

  21. WHy? I paid for it; I'll make lunch out of it the next day or feed it to the dog.

  22. People at our restaurant are always asking for a (to go box) as they call it here. Costs me a fortune in supplying them.

  23. heck yeah! i can make a whole meal out of it the next day!                          I'd be more embarrassed to eat the whole plate of food in one sitting.

  24. yes sure do, why not alot of people do do it also, you have paid for it so it belongs to you, do what you want with it, feed it to the dog is what i usually do, he loves doggy bags now and then.

  25. I ask for a "to-go " box... i have a 2 year old.. so I'm really used to it.. lol.. I'm not embarrassed at all.. i think of all the people who OVER eat.. i should be proud that i ate till i was full and left the rest..

  26. yes but i am not embarrassing myself can't see that it would be embarrassing at all it would be embarrassing to waste food when there is hungry people out there as well  as a waste of money i am on a tight budget and save everything i can when i can

  27. Yes I do ask, no I am not embarrassing myself, you can't finish it so bring it up.

    Of course I usually end up throwing it away 3 days later anyway, but it was mine to throw away. LOL.

  28. Why is it embarrassing?The food's good,so take it home.

    That's why they have boxes.

  29. It's expected and not embarrassing.  Higher "star" restaurants often make it an art to wrap the "to go" items in a foil swan or similar animal made of foil.  One should never let a good quality meal go to waste.  Better restaurants often offer demi portions of food for people who don't want huge portions but most restaurants are prepared and expect take out or "to go" or "doggy bags" and offer them.  If someone is trying to make you feel embarrassed, they are in the wrong and do not know appropriate ettiquette themselves.  The only time I wouldn't ask for a "to go" is if it is a highly seasoned food that has a strong odor and it's going to sit in a car or the odor can seep into your clothes before going to a show or something.

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