
Do you usually take long to make up your mind when it comes to something important...?

by  |  earlier

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and then, when the time comes, you react hastily?

how do you usually take your important decisions in life?




  1. I take forever. especially when I am shopping or choosing what to eat.  

  2. yeah, I always wait until the last minute to decide. I take a long time to weigh the consequences of each choice. And when the time comes I just choose what my instinct told me to, and yes I panic when it comes. I've always had this attitude as long as I can remember. Maybe because I wait because I try to find a better choice than the 2 or more choices

  3. No, I don't do things that way.

    I usually do a bit of research, find out as much as I can, weigh the positives and the negatives (sometimes I've even made charts) and come to a conclusion after much thought.

    I take a long time to make up my mind, but when the time comes I don't react hastily -that's just not my nature.

  4. if u all can think properly, your decision wont keep messing pple's life and livelihood lah..and love love love 2 love lah...ha dog's poo.

  5. I have a basic personal code of ethics that cuts down a lot of time making important decisions, other wise I leave it till the last minute.

    It would take me more than 5mins to decide if something was rubbish.

  6. ah yeah, understandable lah....u know why mah? because dogs are colour blind..... that's why dogs smell everything same like dog pple, they spy everything they dun feel like it....haha....overthinking, beg for advise still a bad decision, u know why? Because Dog always bite the hand that feed them. everyone knows haha... i am a not dog.

    even cross eyepple are better than 20/20 eye sight. what a FREAK, correct? Kuan Yew's dog? haha

  7. Rubbish.

  8. Most probably all my decisions or plans are supposed to abide by this dictum.

    "Any thing that does not affect any living being today or tomorrow and does not affect bodily or mentally in the long run"

    But whenever I get into troubles and I follow the reaction from outside .

    I always surrender to the cause and effect of bad results.

    Hope...I will be better tomorrow.

  9. I ponder important decisions very carefully before i make up my mind.

  10. Jim the Fee, here.

    I see an interesting ? here!  You have also set up a kind of paradox for the reader when you add that second statement.

    "something important" should always require a long period of time just to look at all of the possibilities in the situation.  One cannot make

    really important decisions without looking all of the consequences

    of the action.  Now, how can you act "hastily" if you have followed the

    process above.  You see the dilemma that you placed in the mind

    of the answerer when you went to point three, do you not?

    You have forced me to take that stance that - of course, I take time

    to think through the consequences of acting on "something important"

    and then I cannot agree that I react "hastily" when the time comes.

    Ah! you are a tricky one!! No doubt about it.


    Jim the Fee

  11. i take decisions taking time to think and rethink and it normally takes long. i also see that my family feels happy too while taking decisions along with me.

    Positive attitude, Yoga, Good Physical Excercise helps a lot in making decisions. wht do u think?

  12. I tend to over-analyze and over-complicate everything.  I am the Queen of Making Mountains out of Molehills.  I do the same for everything - big or small.  I drag my feet, and bug others for advice, until the last minute.  When the time comes, I look back trying to figure out why I took so d@mn long making a decision that should have been a no-brainer.  Eh... hindsight is 20/20, right?

  13. i never thought of this

    i always make decision quickly all comming from my feelings.

  14. Internally, it is not instilled that you must corrupt in a choice. I would take them In most reason. Hesitating of course when I choke on another one.

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