
Do you visit the French, Spanish, or other versions of yahoo! answers?

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Today I started browsing the French and Spanish verisons of yahoo! answers to brush up on my languages. It's actually really interesting to see cultural differences. Anyone else ever do this?




  1. yeah, I have visited the Argentine Yahoo version.  It is interesting.

  2. No, but that's an excellent idea. Thanks, I know a little French and a little Spanish, so that would help deepen understanding of other cultures and bias-is, and why.

  3. I sometimes look at the German version to try to brush up on my skills but never the French or Spanish ones because I really don't know those languages.

  4. Every now and then I go to the German version to improve my German skills.

  5. Yes, I visit the UK, New Zealand, Australian, France, Canadian and German Yahoos.  I don't speak the other languages so it would be pointless to go to those.

  6. Yeah I checked out the Japanese and the Chinese versions.  Interesting...

  7. i do well mostly the spanish

  8. Yeah! I have been going to the spanish one also

  9. No way...... as they don't know you and you don't know their languages, why ASK?  What is the FUN in IT?

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