
Do you visualize concepts of time like me?

by  |  earlier

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To explain if you are confused, some people who are right brained visualize and specialize everything!

My visualized day starts out in the AM on the bottom it goes right as the morning progresses at noon it goes up and left as PM progresses

My visualized week starts on monday goes right as the week progresses and stops on friday. Saturday is directly above Friday and Sunday is to the left of Saturday. Sunday is the end of the week. Sunday is above monday but still connected to Saturday. So think two rows top row Sunday Saturday, Bottom Row: Monday... Friday

My visualized year correlates with seasons. It loops counter clockwise. Winter on the bottom then spring on the right, summer on top and fall to the left. For some reason Spring and Fall are smaller than Winter and Summer so it's like an oval.




  1. I don't think like that

    Mondays are always UGH days

    tues-thurs are fine

    and fri-sun are fun!

    summer i think of beaches, blazing sun

    spring i think of trees for some reason

    fall- piles of leaves

    winter!- snowboarding, and fireplaces

  2. I don't visualize time in terms of shapes or positions but I have seen a tv documentary about a genius who does. He was being researched by scientists to try to figure out how his brain was actually functioning because he was a superb mathematician. Sorry I cannot remember more detail but I thought you might be interested. Best wishes. UK

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