
Do you volunteer for any causes and if so what?

by Guest63556  |  earlier

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Some people just leave me cold how uncaring and insensitive they are to humanity and it's suffering.

I applaud all those who volunteer---on any level, to attempt to make someone's life better, whether it's at school, through church, an organization by donating money, whatever.

I really applaud those who believe in a cause and stick with it.

Life can't just be take, take, take.

If it weren't for the giving, there really wouldn't be anything about life that is worthwhile. That is kind of my take on life. Just wondered how others felt about this?




  1. I'm 75 years old and retired, so I have the time and volunteer at:

    The food bank

    Assisting new Canadians

    Coach minor hockey

    Hospice Society

  2. I volunteer with my daughter... We usually volunteer for HRC (Human Rights Campaign). That usually means we are working for political changes, getting signatures on petitions etc. We also work on big events, like the AIDS Walk, and the HRC Gala Dinner.

    I used to volunteer at food kitchens and parks when I was young, and now I find it is a great way to bond with my daughter and stand up for what we believe in.

  3. I volunteer to coach youth baseball every fall. I spend like eight hours a week working with the kids. Also I recycle all the beers can we use after we play beer pong.

  4. Allot of people are gonna call me a con nut for this, nut here it goes.

    My cause is to wake up the American people who for one are in the most part greedy and used to a life where things come to them easy. People need to wake up firstly and realize that this country is set up is such a way that the rich get richer and in doing so ignore those less fortunate. Secondly people need to wake up and realize that their government isn't this heroic caring country. Don't get me wrong Its not totally corrupt but in the areas that are, it affects us all. Without going into this subject too much I feel that some major changes within our governments policy would greatly reduce the poverty here and abroad. You only need to look at all my previous answer to get the jist of what I'm saying. In short my cause is to bring the poverty numbers down by informing people of government waste and missing money. For example, millions upon millions are being spend by countless countries sending it into space while countless millions starve to death, Where are are priorities. Secondly Countless billions are currently being funneled into Iraq And Other places while, again, millions starve here and abroad. This war has raised the price of food gas and countless other things, come on, this war in Iraq was entered into by false statements, whether those statements were due to lies or mis-information, so enough already, repair our government before trying to do so in other country's. I'm running long here so Ill leave you with one more thing, We are not in fact a democracy are were founded on one, My proof Say this with me and understand it,  pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." The republic it stands for, no comment lol

  5. I make all kinds of items from jewelry to clothing to bath salts and donate them to charity auctions and craft faires to help them raise funds.  Every Christmas, I make cards for the shut-ins and nursing home residents in my area.  This is the most rewarding because when I hand deliver them, sometimes I am the only person to give them a card or to visit.  It makes me really sad to know that some people no longer have living relatives or have outlived their friends and are alone in the world.  I think many people just don't have the time to volunteer to benefit others, but there are other things that they may not know they can do.  For example, all over the country there are Operation Homefront organizations which match household items that you may no longer need with military families who do.  Last year, I donated a couch, dining room set, dishes, sheets and comforter sets, end and occasional tables to a military family living on base who had nothing.  When they came to move it all out of my home, I found they had no tree for Christmas and gave them one of ours along with some ornaments.  They were able to celebrate the holidays together before the mom was shipped out to Iraq.

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