
Do you wait patiently while the person ahead of you at the cash register is using a bunch of coupons?

by Guest64558  |  earlier

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Do you wait patiently while the person ahead of you at the cash register is using a bunch of coupons?




  1. yes!  it is their right as a consumer to use as many coupons that they is up to you if you want to wait or find another lane.

  2. The only reason I would be anxious if I was behind someone using a lot of coupons would be because I was jealous that I never developed the patience to gather them myself. I figured it out once standing in line that if I had saved 5.00 in coupons for every week I spent 150.00 on groceries that would be 250.00 per year times 20 years = 5000.00

  3. I try to be as patient and polite as possible in the checkout line.  The poor gals behind the counter have enough stress.

  4. Yes; but I do think that there should be special registers for things like WIC checks (like the express lanes.) Those things are a pain and I've seen them have to input them a few items at a time. For an inexperienced cashier it can take 20+ minutes. That's ridiculous if you only wanted to buy one thing.

  5. Yes, and when she is not looking I steal her baby!  Muahahaha...

    Seriously, what else is there to do?  I mean, Come one, one delicious baby just sitting there...  Ah...  er I mean...  Coupons save people money if she wants to use them she will and should use them according to her desire.  So...  Why not?

  6. I find that I have a much more peaceful life since I have learned to be more tolerant of other people (this includes waiting in line behind those who go slower than I'd like).  

    You can always leave the line and look for one moving quicker if you don't want to wait!

  7. it can be frustrating!  I am normally not thinking ahead enough to take my coupons with me.  I feel stupid that I didn't bring my coupons.  However if they have a WHOLE stack they are going through to see if they bought anything they might have a coupon for....then I am upset.  I don't show it, but I might move to a different line!

    I guess this is only when my babies are fussy. If my girls are fine or I am alone I am never bothered!

    I have seen a women whose totally was $175  (US) only pay like $82 for everything because of coupons!! Smart!

  8. Always

  9. Well yeah.  What choice do you have?  I use coupons too.  

  10. Yes, because I usually have a bunch of coupons myself.

  11. u should, even tho we all want to just punch that person in the face. but wutever u do, i wish u luck.

  12. Of course I do and with the economy in the shape it's in, we're seeing a lot more people using coupons and taking advantage of every type offer there is to save a few cents.

  13. Of course, what else are you supposed to do?

  14. I think its funny that you ask this question. After reading our user name- Patience.

    However, in this day and age with prices of most everything on the rise. I would most certainly not be grumpy about having to wait an extra 1 minute for a customer to redeem his/her coupons. Every penny counts.

    I myself am a coupon clipper. And I expect to feel not rushed while using my coupons that already clipped and set aside before I reach the check out. If the person is clipping and searching for coupons for the items in the cart its a completly different matter.

    Be kind and respectful to other patrons.

    Have a Great Day!  

  15. Yes, what else would I do, push them out of the way and demand to go ahead of them?

  16. Of Course I do.  What else would I do?  Huff and Puff and get myself agitated?  

  17. What choice do you have?  Yes, I wait patiently.  It goes a lot faster now with computerized registers that "know" if the proper item/s have been purchased and the cashiers really move along with them.

    However, there was one instance where I got upset.  A female customer was arguing with the cashier about an expired 15 cents off coupon.  The disagreement kept going on and on, and neither the cashier nor the customer was going to give in.  I had to be back to work fairly soon as my lunch hour was ending.  So, I reached into my purse, pulled out 15 cents, handed it to the woman and said, "I have some place to be.  Here's your 15 cents, move along."  Well, she was not happy with me, but took the money and gathered her things and left.  It was worth the 15 cents to me.

  18. Yep. Coupons are part of the shopping experience. One day you will have coupons too.  

  19. Why wouldn't I?  They have a right to use coupons if they are accepted by the market.  I also have the right to change lines if I don't want to wait.

    **** happens, I'd just grab a People magazine and page through it while I wait.  

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