
Do you walk a mile in someones shoes before you critisize them?

by Guest59123  |  earlier

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If you dont you should, that way when you critisize them you are a mile away and you have their shoes!




  1. I take about 2 steps and realize its wrong and then I walk about three miles in their shoes before i go any further.

  2. that's why it takes me so long to make a descision.I see both sides

  3. haha. that's a good one.

  4. lol...thats funny.  I try to.  But theres a fine line brain knows when to slow down and put myself in their shoes or to just say "NO STUPID!"

  5. The reason y i critisize people is 4 the way they act...

  6. First I insult them, then I take their shoes and run away. Then I feel guilty.

  7. LOL!!  I've never heard that one before ... I like it!  You get a star.

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