
Do you walk or wash your Cats/Kittens?

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Do you take your cat or kitten for a walk on a leash

and do you wash your cat/kitten

And how much time do you spend with it???????





  1. Uh, I definitely don't walk my cat, since she is an indoor cat. Also, that would be weird considering you don't see many people walking their cats around the block. I used to wash my cat when she was younger (from when she was a baby-2 years) I don't do it anymore since they clean themselves. Also, my cat becomes extremely vicious when a drop of water hits her. If your cat is an outdoor cat, I'd suggest washing it. But, that's just my opinion.

  2. They don't go outside at all. Too many diseases lurking around. But I do bath them every couple months. They have long hair so I started when they were babies, just in case they happen to get all poopy sometime & really do need a bath, they won't flip out on me. I trim the hair around their bums too. They are used to being handled.

  3. I bathe my cat once a year. I used to bathe her twice a year, spring and fall, but she is getting older and doesn't handle the stress as well. She is a short hair, so it's not like she will get matted, but I can't stand the smell of cat spit. She hates the baths but once she's dry, she runs around like a kitten.  

  4. I don't even put a collar on my kitten yet, because he's too small. I never plan to take him for walks or let him outside at all. He will live longer and be safer inside, and he won't miss the outdoors at all.

    About a week after I got my kitten, I gave him a bath with Johnson's baby shampoo just to get rid of the dirt and flea dirt on him from being a stray in the streets and being in the animal shelter. I don't plan to bathe him anymore, but I do have some waterless shampoo in case he ever gets into anything.

    Since I'm a teacher, I've been home all summer since I got my cat June 3. We've been together most of the time, except for when I go on errands. I don't know how he's going to be when I go back to work every weekday. Probably mad at me!

  5. My cats go outside on a 6 ft leash that they control. Each one has their own leash and tells me when they want t go outside ad when they want in, this gives them the freedom to roam ,climb trees and even tree squirrels; while safe from predators.

    I spend most the day with my cats when they are not sleeping and no I do not bath my cats

  6. i wash my kitten,cant say as i walk her but i definitely bathe her, actually when i first got her that was the first thing i did. and i'm always spending time with her, she sleeps in my room with me, she's up in my lap right now pressing buttons

  7. my cat is an oudoor cat and i pet her if i see her but i only see her like once a week she likes to sleep in the garage

  8. you don't need to walk your cat if you play with them. use a stick with a feather on the end and get them to chase it, or get one of those mechanical mice that you can control with a remote. they'll run around the house chasing them and get exercise.. plus they'll have a great time and be really happy!! usually if you try to walk your cat, like on a leash, they'll either just sit and refuse to move, or not go the right way. the only reason cat leashes are sold is to control the cat, and not let it ge away from you.

  9. However, the benefits of owning a cat are not constrained to having them as mere pets because cats, like dogs, can be trained to do tricks as well. Even if they are known as “house cats,” it is important for them to be given the taste of the outdoor environment. This can be done through walking.

    Yes, it is important to engage a cat in outdoor activities such as walking, just like the dog. This is because cats need further stimulation by having a taste of the activities gained by being outside. Walking them outdoors makes them feel entertained and stimulated.

    Studies show that cats that are constrained inside the house show a significant sign of boredom and depression. These are not likely to be noticed since cats cannot verbally or even physically tell their owners that they are bored and depressed.

    However, there were signs that were noted in a study that projects the negative effects of not having occasional walks outside the house. Scratching the furniture was noted to have a direct association with depression that the cat is experiencing.

  10. Our cat is an outdoor cat and does an excellent job of keeping herself clean. We bath her in the fall only and we get very little dirt off her when we do. She is outdoors for the better part of the day so she does not need walking.  She does come along when we walk the dog. But she spends most of that time running.

    We live in the country. That's why she's outside.

  11. i don't walk my cats but i do bathe them about once every three months. only to keep them used to the water... you never know... you may NEED  to bathe them at one point in time or another....

    my cats get the attention when they want it.. i let them come to me for affection.... for the most part,they're loners.

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