
Do you wanna stop drinking soda with me??

by  |  earlier

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So I've stopped drinking soda or pretty much anything with carbonation in it and now I feel amazing anyone else quit drinking soda at all?




  1. I really need to, but I just bought four 12 packs today. Maybe after we finish these, I will

  2. no.. i love soda

  3. I stopped drinking soda about 2 years ago and I really can tell a difference in myself.  I feel so much better!!!!

  4. I used to drink at least 5 root beers a day, I stopped drinking soda at home and started drinking a ton of water, I definitely feel better, I still do occasionally have soda when I go out to eat though!

  5. yes i do

    any tips?

  6. i drank about a litre of soda today and i feel wonderful who wants ot start drinking soda w/ me

  7. I stopped a few years ago, so I'm in. But there is this soda which I found at the gas station, I don't remember the brand name, It's like a safe soda, tastes so good. The ingredients are no where near the other sodas. Well I haven't had that in months now.

  8. i did for actually about 3 months, i finally gave up and went back to it, but it was really cool realizing there were other things to drink lol :-P

  9. yes. i cant drink soda either. all the reg have corn syrup as a sweetener. coke has wheat in it. iam allergic to corn and wheat. i feel so much better since i got off soda. dont drink the diet either. i make my own tea and use stevia to sweeten. so much better. the only commercial drink i could drink is lipton diet green tea. i didn't like the taste that much.

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