
Do you want Bella to become a vampire???

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So I personally don't want Bella to become a vampire ... I think it doesn't feel right, like she shouldn't be a vampire... truthfully i want Edward to become human! lol I mean I'm with Edward on Bella living a normal human life! .. full of human love i don't want her to become a young vampire. full of eternal youth!

What do you want to happend? : ) let me know

Can't wait for breaking dawn!!!




  1. I think it would make the book more interesting if she became one.. If all of the Cullen's became human, where would the spark in the book be? Seeing how Bella would take on being a vampire would be cool to see. All of the Cullen's have already experienced being human, Bella hasn't ever been a vampire.

  2. Yes! I think she will because Meyer promised a happy ending. She said everyone wins, even Team Jacob. I think that Bella and Edward will have their happy ending, and Jacob will find someone else.,,20215228...

  3. haha i agree. but every book like drags it on and on about how she wants to be one, but im like noo. i want the cullens to become human somehow too. because they dont enjoy being vampires to much, but i dont think that'll happen haha.

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